@Manly McBeeferton: *Le Sigh* you sure know how to pull on a geeks heart strings.
@Manly McBeeferton: *Le Sigh* you sure know how to pull on a geeks heart strings.
@daveypots: No, shit? I know about BDFI, I did some gigs near there in Berklee a few years ago. I miss NorCal to be honest, grew up there my whole life with pretty much steady nice, cold weather. Moved to socal almost two years ago and I can't stand this heat!
@Manly McBeeferton: Build a group of note blocks that will play Moonlight Sonata note for note
@daveypots: Good luck man. Which school are you planning on attending? Oh btw, watch out for Korea Town, that place is scary at night man.
@DukeOfPwn: Sounds as close to X-Men as the Uncharted movie, hell if you get Uwe Boll to direct it it'd be a smash!
@AwesomenessDude: Are you kidding me? 8 and 9 were fantastic! 10 was also a great game, 10-2 should never have happened and "not that great" is being too kind with 12 and 13.
@Archaotic: Dear God, they're actually releasing XII-2!? Why!? So we can play another tutorial for 30 hours while swapping between 6 characters every 5 minutes with no central protagonist easily definable within those first 30 hours? I'm sorry but nobody asked for this. At least, nobody with a right mind.
@The MSJ: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG!! My mind has been blown sir...
@Duuuuuuude: Keep watching. :) There's a small bit more to the end! You never actually got to the credits!
@Kovitlac: Well, there's plenty of Emulators! Try grabbing ROM Gripper and check out some of the stuff on there!
Congrats Mike! You deserve it mate! I wish you many many many happy years ahead!
These exclusives are just annoying for the rest of us. Sure, it sounds cool I guess, but I guess M$ money speaks more than keeping your customers happy.
@alexjg42: Well I did end up seeing a video interview, forgot how old it was, but he said the original idea was awesome but it'd cost $500mil to make and so they had to go back to a rewrite.
My friend mentioned on his Facebook that Keanu Reeves was going to be playing Spike in a live-action version of Cowboy Bebop which is fucking news for me! Does anyone know anything else? I've tried Google searching it but there hasn't been a lot of news that I can find.
@kareem01899: That was the greatest 1:35 of my LIFE!
@FoolsErrand: Be happy though! You guys, funnily enough, have better Mexican food than we do here in LA! And BBQ! My god, I haven't been able to find a good BBQ joint out here that doesn't require me to give them my arm and risk life and limb in a shady part of a neighborhood.
@DRaGZ: If you ever decide to venture for animal style, try adding whole grilled onion along with the regular chopped grilled onions. It's pretty awesome!
@turbo steve: They keep the bun on the grill a little bit longer and makes it extra crispy and buttery. Try it sometime!
@Vecha: Kotaku Friends work like the Stock Market: Hey, say what you will about fast food chinese, the cheap places are the best. I LOOOOOOVE cheap chinese, the more divey the place the better! It's like an LA tradition!
Gah, burger thread. Whelp, I'm grabbing my keys and heading down to In 'N Out Burger at 11 in the morning. Double Double animal style, extra toast with animal fries and an unsweetened iced tea here I come.