

@Alex_Mexico: PRetty much. They only accept sperm form people that are either currently or are training to be Police Men, Fire Men, Doctors or are going for a 4 year degree or higher.

@cesariojpn: Actually it's pretty hard to do sperm donation here in the states. Their requirements are pretty fucking steep.

@arniejolt: It's been stated before that they're going to be basing the new reboot off of the Ultimate Universe, which I'm actually enjoying at the moment. I've been digging through he various collection graphic novels and they're actually pretty good!

@gigawings: Man, Target and Walmart can have some great collared shirts for CHEAP. I get a lot of the Puritan and George Foreman black longsleeves and rock some dickies and some of those aweosme Dr. Scholls shoes.

@MeetMiniMoose: Get married. Seriously, me and my band all went to Musician's Institute and our singer and keyboard player are both from Denmark and we've been having a hell of a time trying to keep them in the country.

@P4KO: Thanks, I'm gonna go grab my N64 now, got some nostalgia to play!

@TheCowboyPoet: If you aren't listening to smodcast already you ar enot a nerd! Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier shooting the shit is always funny!

Ok WoW players, Cataclysm has been out for a while now and most of us have geared up pretty good. The dungeons are DAMN hard now, which I like! But i've got a bone to pick.

Is there a youtube version of this? The video embedded here isn't working for me. :(

@Sathania: If you live in Southern California check out Game Dude in North Hollywood. I picked up a used Dreamcast for $15 from there!

I can't stand online comics. Well, you know what I mean.

Black Beauty = Hot.

@Zim: It's never the same fight twice! That's what I love about the game! I always play an Engie! Blowing up helicopters and tanks and providing support for our armor is so fun! And the SMG's are great weapons too!

@WildTangent01: No, she just has a well paying job (nurse for 40 years) and can help me out, also, some of the money came from my dad's life insurance (passed away last year) that I had saved up.