@dompromo: Half-Minute Hero!
@dompromo: Half-Minute Hero!
This year I got pretty much everything I wnated!
I remember it very clearly, it was 3 o'clock in the morning and I couldn't sleep at all! My birthday didn't have much gifts (my birthday is on the 21st. of December), so I was hoping for something big on Christmas Morning. My parents had finally gone to bed and I waited until they were completely asleep.
@Peter Pan Complex: You mean BASHTASTIC!
@Kenofthedead: Hey!
@Walking Eye: Smodcast! Bunch of great Kevin Smith stuff.
@MyTearsIntoWine: My birthday and Christmas are this week, and I'm getting cash for both, so hopefully I'll get everything today. :3
Picked up Demon's Souls on the cheap yesterday and man, you guys were right, this game is brutal! You slip up once and you're fried! Love it! Reminds me of the games of my childhood where it wasn't so forgiving (Ghouls 'N Ghosts anyone?)
@halfpastbored: Must make a Soldier deck with 4 of these now!
@Demoskinos: That damn cycle level!!! .< I've only finished Battletoads twice in my entire life time of playing that game back in the day.
@Eschekt: Try the new Undead 1-55 content, it's pretty great! I rolled a fresh Undead Rogue and had a blast!
@ValeriaHeart: Big brother be watching joooooo! O.O
@legendnthemaking: You can only truly say driving if you're driving in Los Angeles on the 101, 405, or 134 freeways any time between 7 a.m. and 12 P.M. and 2:30 P.M. and 9 P.M.
I actually really want this version even though I already have ME1 and 2 on 360, is there a way to import your file from your 360 into the PS3 version?
That's ok, the PC mod community will just recreate the entire thing and release it as a mod on the Nexus and we'll get it for free, I'm willing to wait. :)
@Nerf Herder: Eggs, toast, a huge fruit smoothie and some vitamins. Gotta replenish your nutrients! Just make sure you skip the greasey stuff.
@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: Is itjust me or can people get Gold way faster now? I remember back when it was almost impossible to get up to a Gold piece until you were like level 45-50. Now I've been running around with like 400 gold a day easy.
@d4rk-h4x0rer: If I were you I'd pick up Uncharted 2 instead of MGS4. Save MGS4 for later when you have extra money to blow. Uncharted 2 is worth it.
@urfe: Trust me, pick them both up, it's worth every penny. I've replayed them many times and they are master pieces in their own right!
@Gaston: Thank you, me too. I'm disappointed that it didn't make it to a lot of peoples' lists. Games like these need more light shone on them than Call of Honor: Duty Desert Modern Combat Shooter 55.