
@Maritan: Hey! Hey...hey...whoa....

@Laertus: I definitely think it's worth it to come back to roll something fresh! I just made a Worgen last night and, I was originally skeptical because of how bad Hollywood has destroyed one of my favorite creatures of mythos, but I was pleasantly surprised!

@RockyRan: It also has to depend on what the countries laws are for specifically making "public performances" of IP. If I'm correct this is sort of like Sync fee's for music in Film and TV. Every time a song is played on a TV show, commercial, or what have you, there's someone sitting around that works for a

Thanks to everyone who commented on my post last time! I ended up picking up a month and hopping back in, wasn't too happy with the changes to my Ret talent tree on my Pally. But I decided to roll a fresh Undead Rogue and I have to say that I'm really impressed with the changes to the new quests! Definitely much more

Man Brian, farm raised is the best. My mom used to grow most of what we ate, heck, for a time we even butchered our own meat from pigs and cows! If you can, plant a tree in your backyard with whatever you fancy: lemons, oranges, apples, what have you. You can take your bounty once they come about and make jellies and

@Fexe: I'd say give Battlefront 3 to the guys who made Bad Company 2, DICE. Those guys can make a multiplayer shooter! And using their physical destruction engine and what not, could be a pretty fracking awesome game!

So please help me out here. I started when the game first released, day 1, and played for a year and a half, got a level 60, and then promptly quit, loved the RP server I was on (Feathermoon, Order of the Rose mothafuckas!), stayed clean and then years later, decided to pick up Burning Crusade and Wraith of the Lich

@Scruffylookin13: Yea, that video is definitely not what I had originally seen. I ended up seeing it on a friends computer so I don't have it in my history, but I'll poke around and dig up the videos that I originally saw. But we have pulse technology and are using it on the moon as we speak for mining operations in

Now playing

Aliens have already been discovered quite a few times, there's some very enlightening videos on youtube about our Moon Mining stations and some of the technology that we use today that was developed thanks to the aliens and what not.

Awkward Zombies and Dueling Analogs was fantastic this week!

Oh, they're making a ton of money regardless of the placement in the commercial. Every time the commercial airs, they make a ton of money (like...$500,000 per spin or something ridiculous like that), thanks to PRO's, they probably also own their own Publishing Company now too, which means they're making even more

I LOVE my PSP, being able to play old PSOne games and games like Half-Minute Hero while I'm on the go definitely make it worth the money I plopped down on it. But yes, more battery life and an internal hard drive big enough for a few games would ahve been nice. I still running one of the old 2000 models.

@Cupids_Hitman: OMG! That is fucking ADORABLE!!! Bravo! XD

Sold, day one buy, this is gonna be GOTY next year, no doubt in my mind!

Hey guys, another little update about my band, really need your help here! My band is enteredin the Heineken Ultimate Playlist contest and we basically need people to download our song "Blamed For Peace" to get votes, it's free so don't worry about paying anything.

@Eskintoro: Call of Effect: Massive Duty