
$10? For that? No thanks, doesn't matter though, I only have it for PC, we get the better mods anyways. Enclave Commander? YES PLEASE!

@Behrditz: You mean a pink elephant?

I should actually try getting past the first area of this game at some point. I picked up the massive Directors Cut but I just couldn't get into it.

Guess this is a better place to mention this but my bands three song single "Blamed For Peace" went up on iTunes last week and I would LOVE to hear your guys' thoughts on the music!

@Mr.Wake: Us PC players have mods for that now. :)

I know this isn't video games, but I just had to put this in here because I'm so excited! My bands new three-song single "Blamed For Peace" just released on iTunes this week! :D

@Samakar: And just to clarify something about Django, this man plays with two fingers! Yea, that's right, he lost his others, don't remember how, but all he has is his thumb, his index and I think his ring or pinky finger left, and he can just shred it up like no tomorrow! Truly amazing musician!

Now playing

Just been one of those days today man. You know, as a Guitar player, I go through a lot of phases, some days I'm listening to my number one man, Hendrix, and then some days I'll be off on a tangent about someone like Mark Knopfler or Philip Sayce.

@Seu: Where is Dark Lord Cthulu when you need him? I loved seeing him kill Bieber on South Park last night lol

@Seu: It's already happening, apparently he's being nominated for some American Music Award on ABC, WHY!? I sometimes question my own involvement in the music industry these days.

I...wouldn't call Eminem a musician. Sure, he's a rhymesmith, a lyricist and a unique rapper, but, that's about it. He has a producer who writes all of his beats and music for him.

Hopefully we can see another Riddick game! I don't think a lot of people really realized how AWESOME those games were! Such a shame that they passed under the radar. It took me until Assault On Dark Athena to pick it up so I could get both and I was NOT disappointed with my purchase. I spent days playing that game

@Goldwings: Oh man tell me about it. XD When BP oil drilled again and opened up a gateway into Cthulu's dimension and you saw him standing there over it I couldn't stop laughing for like 10 minutes.

Anyone else catch the new South Park tonight? How awesome was that? I think Cthulu was freakin' hilarious through this whole series. I kind of want them to flesh out Kenny's story even more now!

@Decoy_Doctorpus: Really? That's what I thought too! I didn't even know that was a digital version of him! Crazy!

@JGab: I'd say give the tech 8 months to a year to really develop. It' still in a very infant stage, I'm sure once they start taking advantage of the voice and facial recognition software and build some truly unique software for use with Kinect, it'll be worth the buy.

@comtar: I hear it's being made into a movie! I'm so excited!!