
@Chon: Dude, I know the feeling man. It'll be alright though, in about a year you'll look back and wonder how you ever fell in love with her in the first place. For now though, grieve hard my friend, you have every right to do so, cry, beat the shit out of something (not someone), scream at the top of your lungs, just

"I gotta put my strap on so I don't break it"

@OfficerJesus: Oh there's still bugs, plenty. I have to save every 10 mins. still to make sure that if my game crashes I don't have to do an hours worth of game again. There's still plenty of load issues, but other then that I'm addicted to this game and I've used some mods to make the game better, like the Intrusive

Hmm, nothing interesting this week, oh well, back to Fallout New Vegas!

@The Forgetful Brain: I've been putting a majority into AP, more AP more I can do. Then I spread them between attack and defense equally.

Go ahead and add me

As much of a shame as this is, I think they should bring back TechTV, that was a way better channel anyways, at least I learned some shit on that channel! The Screen Savers, Cyber Crime, Extended Play (Adam Sessler and Kate Botello!), Call For Help, god those were the days. Now I just get Cops and Campus PD for 8

@relic1980: It's not bad, the short guitar player with the Les Paul, think it was a gold top can't remember exactly, and the hat, black hair, that's one of my old teachers from Musician's Institute, Lenny. Used to play in the Hard Rock Live Playing Workshop a lot, got a lot of tips from him, especially helped out with

@Trencher: OMG!! Me too! Haha, holy shit, I remember those! So many good memories from those days. And using Gameboy Link Cables to battle and trade with friends and staring into the old puke green and black screens of our Gameboys for hours on end, both at home and on the playground at school.

@Trencher: OMG!! Me too! Haha, holy shit, I remember those! So many good memories from those days. And using Gameboy Link Cables to battle and trade with friends and staring into the old puke green and black screens of our Gameboys for hours on end, both at home and on the playground at school.

@Trencher: Remember those foil Mew Pokemon Cards that they handed out for the first movie too?

RIP Takeshi Sudo, thank you for a fantastic childhood. It was because of that promo video that Nintendo Power sent out with the first episode of Pokemon that I decided to pick up the Red version, and from there, well, the rest was history. I went on to win two of the Nintendo Pokemon competitions in San Francisco, and

All things aside the game is very pretty! But, regardless of that, I think this warrants a rent, wouldn't buy this unless it was in the $10 bargain bin.

@NeverAutomatic: That is so cool! Can you write a how-to article for that? Or make a video?

@Toshi: Gunpowder and if you can get a skeleton archer to shoot it, vinyl records! :)

It's not a's HARDWARE!!! Dear lord this is really hard to watch. :(

Man, I LOVED PC gaming, my first taste of a FPS was Doom. And then Unreal Tournament afterwards, I easily sinked 2 years of my life into UT!

Now playing

The Pro Guitar mode has me really interested in trying it out. I'm a professional guitar player in real life, so one of my biggest quips about playing Guitar Hero and Rock Band has always been not being able to really play the songs the same way that I hear them.