@Jonny_eh: Daaaayyyyyuuuuuuummmnnn
@Jonny_eh: Daaaayyyyyuuuuuuummmnnn
@MrGOH: Agree'd, besides Deathclaws, Cazadors are the most annoying enemies in the game, you can't kill them without VATS, it's impossible!
Yea, the bugs are making my experiences short lived.
@tetracycloide: "We're the knights of the round table!"
@SomethingAwesome: Well, Kevin Smith is all about the dialogue, half of why I like his stuff. Good dialogue makes a good story!
@William Henry Harrison: Yea, I think they replaced it with the Simpsons 3D ride.
Check out the new Green Hornet comics that Kevin Smith is writing, they're REALLY good!
Never had the Master System, but I still have my Genesis! I LOVED my Genesis growing up, I was one of the unfortunate kids who never got a chance to get the dream cast or a Super Nintendo, but that Genesis carried me all the way to my N64.
Yea, this wasn't one of my favorite songs when I did the focus group testing for the game. Here's a cool tip I realized for freestyling, when you get a chance to do a freestyle scratch, try letting go mid way through the freestyle and you'll get the track to play its tag line. So now you can really scratch and make…
@Eskintoro: Don't worry, there's an app for your grief. *pat*
@TeamBlacula: That was pretty awesome, the hilarious part is, I can't tell how much of this might actually be in their employee handbook. Regardless of that, cheers!
Oh man, that was awesome! I haven't had anything as cool as that happen yet!
@Samakar: He goes over why the first three movies in the Star Wars saga were the worst films ever made, and there's one fat chunk of the series that talks about the story, the characters and more.
Let's skip the mechanics and linearity for now. Here's the real reason why FFXIII was a terrible game: I put in 27 hours into the game, I had no idea who the protagonist was in the game, nor what was going on, why people were fighting, what the story was, and had no connection to any of the characters in the game.
@freethegoldfish: *grand applause*
@Gameslaya: Allstate is pretty damn good at going to bat for you. I've been in plenty of accidents and insurance claims where they pressured the other insurance company to make sure I was treated fairly, and gave me a great rate on my coverage and everything. Not to say this is an ad or anything, but from my personal…
@emwurst: This post is all sorts of awesome! If I could promote it I would!
@BattleMoose87: Each game is randomly generated and the actual size of the game as you generate the game is as big as 5x the surface of the earth.
@DukeOfPwn: Yea, I played the Beta extensively and it is EXTREMELY friendly for all ages, especially the beginning starting areas!
@Diamond Sea: XIII irritated me because of the story thing, I gave it a good 26 hours and I still had no clue what was going on. I call that bad story telling. I ended up returning it for Bad Company 2.