
@Black Knight Rebel: Obviously Superman, seeing as he's completely indestructible and is way stronger than him. The fight would last about 20 mins., they'd trade blows for a while, and then Supes would use his freeze breath to freeze him and then one hit would shatter him for good. End of fight, moving on to fighting

@Samakar: But I can write the song, one of the things I learned how to do at Musician's Institute, and it's why I have an Associates Degree lol. I'll see if I can't whip something up today on the Guitar.

@Samakar: Someone else needs to write the melody and lyrics and have to be able to sing it. :P

Owen do you want me to write a theme song for TAY Force? Because I will. :)

@Alternate: If you look closely he's actually standing in water.

You know it's interesting, but, because of this video I've come to realize that your sister in the first game is actually Theresa in the second game. That is nuts!

@Tenacious_Z: And humanities only hope is in the hands of Tim Allen.

@ggodo: Agree'd. I had no idea what Mage was, but my friend Rob decided to run a game for our gaming group and I was instantly hooked. It's so far removed from what everyone thinks a "mage" is. I played a spirit shaman and an investigator, using the spirit realm to help him discover truths all the while doing spirit

@Last Face: Leverkusen is close enough for me. :( Germany ftw! :3

@NeVeRMoRe666: Damn man, well, don't worry, the music industry is still going to hell in a hand basket right now. After a couple of years the industry will probably finish changing and then it might actually pick up for you when you get out of school!

@jonincambridge: sfsoglfdijoskfbijok FUCKIN SO CUTE!!! ARRGHH!!

@hollowbody57: Yea I was supper disappointed when there was no ManU! :( Oh well, Bayern it is for me!

@Lee Davidge: OMG! I learned how to type with this game! I love you! I haven't seen this shit in years! :D

@MrNose - FOR THE CHICKEN!!!: There's already melodine on that, they can't fix it anymore unfortunately. Her vocal tone is horrifying to say the least.