
@zenithzero: Trust me, girls like you are a sight for sore eyes here in Los Angeles. I've dated quite a few "hot" girls out here and most of them are just sacks of potatoes.

@Altima NEO: Well, I'll never unsee that, thank you...I'll be in the back gouging out my eyes


Anything going on here in Los Angeles? There has to be, it's fucking Hollywood!

@Zyker: How DARE you call yourself a gamer!! Go and buy it off of Steam right now! :)

Well, he is asian.....what did you expect?

@Deadp00l: When you go into targeting mode you'll notice that your crosshairs flash from red to white. You want to make sure that every time you pull the trigger it lights up white. Your bar will fill faster every time it's white, and yea, like illiniphase4 said, you need to have a fuller bar than the other guy.

@Metalive: And when it did release it did suck. Horrible album.

@cfive3: I like what someone said in an articles comments "Duke Nukem Forever...BELIEVE!" haha

@Blacksofa: BWAHAHAHA, I want this on a shirt!!

I wish I could be at PAX this weekend, but oh well. Got a gig tonight at O'Brien's Irish Pub in Santa Monica at 11 P.M. with my band Typical Situation ([] and then gonna spend most of this weekend taking it easy, no rehearsal on Sunday like usual unfortunately. :( Think I'm gonna spend some of it

@Samakar: *to me. Blah, I'm all over the place with my grammar today.

@starbuck13: I feel the same about them pulling everything from Bioware as well, one of the top RPG developers in the world. Seems like a big mistake for me.

You see, the problem for me is that it's too damn expensive to go see movies these days! Anywhere from $12 to $15 depending on what sort of theater you watch it in. Maybe it's just cause it's Southern California? I don't know, but I think the movie industry needs to start adjusting its ticket prices because these is

@Whooped.D.Dew: Life lesson from one matured man to you: All women are nucking futs, even the ones who look "cool" and "nice", are all bat s@$% insane!

@cin1122: It's ok, I totally got the double rainbow guy out of it! I'm still lol'ing.

Reminds me of the old RPG's like Bauldurs Gate and Pool of Radiance! :) I'm really excited!