Sam Jackson Five

Well, they are actively trying to remove choices, but I guess if it hurts your feelings we could switch to anti-female-bodily-autonomy.


If an innocuous little ice cream called Rose City Revolution bothers them, I bet we can all come up with some flavors that will really piss them off.

Well, you can't say David Lynch doesn't have experience trying to make people look good in their underwear.

y'know, as much as I believe government isn't automatically the answer to everything, I don't really have a problem with this. If only states in the US would go after unsafe mods like this, or those retards who put HID capsules in their stock halogen housings, or people driving with two temporary spares, or those

Sounds like Hill is the asshole. This isn't out of the blue behavior. She notorious for being late and shitty.

Lauryn Hill doesnt seem like a very nice person.

Team audience. Show up and act like a professional.

No, this is really a thing in Islam/Judaism. That's why mosques and synagogues never depict biblical figures or icons in their stained glass or on their walls the way churches do. The problem, I think, is when deeply religious people take it way too far. When I was younger a family friend babysat for an orthodox

Copied from another post

Islam has never observed that line of reasoning to the extent they do now. Today, such topical differences matter to zealots because it allows them to be more "authentic" in their Islam than other Muslims and more upright than those nonbelievers. Yes, I believe that in terms of epochs, this is definitely Islam's Dark

You have to keep in mind that Islam is going through, in an epochal sense, through its "Dark Ages". You must remember some of the wickedly asinine shit the Church used to come up with. You can't have coffee. Chocolate is the devil's creation. And so on.

That's obviously to remind people to be fearful and rulers are usually exempt from Sharia by these dumb mullahs. Which is why you have a Saudi royal enslaving a young African and using him as a sex slave and punching bag until he finally killed him in a London hotel. The al-Sauds are scum, much like Mubaraks and

Just wait until people figure out how to export the footage to thier hard drives. Then Internet will become flooded with brand new Simpsons GIFs. Best....Day....Ever.

I've wasted my life

Are you talking about the lady that killed two people? She stopped IN THE LANE on a highway on a blind turn. How does she not deserve that guilt?

Islam - bringing se,errr , the 7th century back...BABYYYYYYYYYYYY!

When did Make Way for Ducklings becoming part of the Driver's Ed curriculum?

Damnit, Torch.