Sam Jackson Five

Tori says:

As an African American former Alabamian, can I ask you where you live? That racism has just not been my experience. There's always the possibility that I was around very polite white people that were cautious of what they said around me, but I may have just been around different people based on geography.

Now, it is worth noting a little historical context, here: When Holmes was first elected to the state legislature in 1974, George Wallace was still governor. "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" was just 11 years in the past, ditto the Birmingham campaign and the Selma bridge crossing.

Suprised at the condescending headline and general disdain here. She's a dynamic woman with an incredibly back-story who is running for elected office. Whether she's the best rep for the 33rd is TBD, but shouldn't we be cheering on this kind of initiative? Then again, maybe I shouldn't be surprised since this is such

I'm not even white, I'm native american, and I am goddamn tired of all these articles being shitty to white people. Who here wouldn't be horrified at seeing something like this targeted toward any minority? Beuller? Beuller? Because if you would be horrified seeing someone slam a native, or a black woman, or a chinese

Oh awesome look! Another box into which women are stuffed in to based on shoddy conclusions of flavor of the week, cool kid pick and choose trend data.

Counter-point: Bananas, Pineapples and Cherries is also the strict diet that Pac-Man was on and dude is round as fuck.

Two entire pineapples??? My mouth and tongue are basically covered in infected taste buds and canker sores just hearing about that.

Pushing for a constitutional amendment that removes corporate personhood and puts limits on the our government being literally bought off by big money? She has my vote.

When they head to high school and he starts trying to convince their slightly older friends to appear in his videos?

How about more accurate stereotypes, like Italian men cheating on their wives and sexually harassing/molesting tourist women?

It would be less funny but more informative* if you simply wrote a story that explained exactly what happened. By the time I got done mentally subtracting all the crap you made up, I couldn't be sure what was true anymore. And your snide commentary about the "stalking" charge, coupled with a complete lack of interest

"What should we say?"
"Drugs...go with drugs"
"What? Are you crazy...we can't say she is a junkie..."
"Ok - let's go with one cares about pot."
"Does it do that to people?"
pulls out 1982 anti-drugs campaign videos

Or making a joke about over-intellectualizing it, even.

Fats'n'tats- Totally a great name for a bar band.

Like with everything else, conservatives fight against any scientific approach to understanding the causes of poverty, which are far more structural than individual. Vague moral judgement, combined with living standards that they themselves don't adhere to ( my grandparents did not have indoor plumbing either but

A cardboard box? What luxury! We lived in a paper bag in a septic tank.

Oh, we used to dream of living in a cave! My family lived in a shoebox in the middle of a road!

Yes, if one was really THAT poor, they'd wear an empty barrel with suspenders!