Sam Jackson Five

Wow. You guys are taking this to a new level of hating. It's a very sweet statement, but I suppose since he isn't speaking about her brain it MUST be demeaning and sexist, huh? Jesus.

it's the new kinja I think? It doesn't tell the label until you click it. I imagine somehow this translates into more clicks and more money for someone, but it's super annoying.

So who can tell me why this isn't labeled as "Dirt Bag" on the main page. I took a shot that this would be gossip, but it isn't always, and it is annoying me.

Bracing myself for the onslaught of body-shaming and relationship-shaming comments about Depp and Heard's age gap.

also, god dammit, Hercules. God dammit so much.

I can realy relate to this. I am British, and let me tell you, your accent is just such a part of your identity. I've worked in the US so I have seen the divides there but really, NOTHING is comparable to the british class system.

Did you ever read the YA novel King of Shadows? The protagonist is a teenage boy from Falmouth, Kentucky, who is part of a youth Shakespeare troupe (and travels through time and meets Shakespeare and stuff)—but the relevant bit here is, that he was recruited to the troupe in part because of his Kentucky hills accent,

My best friend is from Fort Worth and I'm from Minnesota and apparently we were a hoot to watch when we got drunk. Lots of "Oh LAWD" AND "Cyuate!"

I wasn't aware until recently that the classic British accent most Americans are familiar with (and what we'd call "a British accent" — think Patrick Stewart or Hugh Grant), called "received pronunciation," was introduced into British public schools in the early 1900's as a means of erasing class divides based on

Scanning some of the other comments (my own included), I think you'll find that Mr. Colbert is hardly alone.

Here's the problem with the mockney accent - so often it comes across as taking the piss. Nothing is more obnoxious than well-off (or even solidly middle class) people putting on an accent, trying to make themselves sound more "authentic, as it were.

This post reminds me of Stephen Colbert's story about his childhood experience of seeing how Hollywood negatively portrayed Southerners like him on television. He soon adopted a flat, Midwestern accent from the numerous TV news anchors and reporters he watched so that nobody would judge him by his Charleston accent.

Reading this I thought immediately of Southern accents. When I first moved North to Boston to go to college some Southie bro at a party told me "Southern accents sound so feckin retahded." Perfectly intelligent friends in the North have told me that they can't help but think Southern people sound dumber (one even said

Being a slow talking Southerner is not good for social advancement outside the South.

Tried liking/recommending your comment, but Kinja hates freedom.

why? In what parallel universe is the correct spelling of that little troglodytes last name in any way important?

Maybe we should look into booking Lil Debbie instead?

I'm sorry, no. Palin doing this just shows she is perfectly willing to sell her old self down the proverbial river for whatever buck she is trying to turn with her new self. I don't care if it's cute. She is a 'political' media opportunist who represents the worst of what the political and media landscape have to

Thank god this device doesn't respond to the voices in Gary's head.

I don't know; that's actually a little sad. I mean, the man is legitimately brain damaged.