Babble away, it's almost the weekend (Which I will use as an excuse for almost anything)
Babble away, it's almost the weekend (Which I will use as an excuse for almost anything)
Man, I now believe that my children will grow up to be more adjusted adults now because they have a unlimited access to pornography via the internet.
True story: I was at the Frat Cave (the Bat Cave), a gothic nightclub in NYC in the late 90s, when this random dude approached me at the bar telling me, "I'm a necrophilic. Would you like to come home with me and play dead?"
There goes your $42.
Somehow, I don't think morticians are that badly paid to risk 3 years in prison.
Ahhh, menfolk. Wearing our sexual fantasies on our sleeves for the last 10,000 years or so. One of the more prominent fantasies I have run across is guys wanting to sleep with women who have some kind of sexual "deviancy". I put deviancy in quotes not to be a judgmental prick, but to illustrate what some men…
But the point is you're still smug and holier-than-thou about your supposedly superior decision making skills. You haven't been in her shoes, do you have children? Three of them? A spouse with substance abuse problems? Attitudes like yours of "they get what they deserve" are what is ruining this country.
It's really awesome that you have never made a slightly (because in the grand scheme of things $87 isn't that much, it's not a life-changing amount of money) fiscally irresponsible decision. Also, judging from your moniker Michael, you are a man. Haircuts for you are generally cheaper (I am married to a man, my…
This is one of my favorite Jez things. Caitlin is just great. Both her site & her FB are interesting. I completely support her work.
First of all, men's haircuts are typically cheaper than women's. Second, cut + color + tip = $87 is a steal. Third, if it was her one haircut for the year, then yes, she spent $12 more than you do for the year. Chalk that up to point number one and you guys are even.
I don't think he/she got the joke.
So, wait, you all thought I would say that sleep, something we're naturally created to do, IS something only fabulously wealthy people do because: Life? Why would you expect that? The idea of self-care extends to everyone. If a woman with multiple jobs doesn't take time for herself somehow and some way, she will do a…
Why do I feel like a fair number of the people criticizing her for too many kids overlap with the "insurance coverage for birth control shouldn't be required" camp? Just a hunch.
It seem like to me that huge portions of our population have been utterly brainwashed by Fox News and the like. This shit of blaming people for being poor has GOT to stop. I work issuing benefits, and people always ask me if I get sick of dealing with people who are "lazy and entitled." And the truth is, no. I don't.…
I feel like it was calculated and smart to put forth a face of the working poor that is relatable to the very critics of social welfare. Conservatives and libertarians alike harp on and on about how the poor are that way due to laziness or poor decisions. Here,(I have not seen the movie) it seems that they show a…
Oh hell no. I get seven hours during the week and at least 10 on the weekends. It requires me to go to bed at 10 pm on the weeknights, which strikes me as a ridiculous time to go to sleep, but if I don't get at least seven hours of night night time, I will murder someone.
"Sleep is not a function of privilege. When I'm exhausted because I've spent two days jet-lagged and my bio-rythems are still on Tuscany time, I just think 'Man, it must be so great to live in one of those third-world countries with no electricity. I mean, when your hut is dark, you go to sleep, and when the sun…