All of this for a fucking internship? Jesus.
All of this for a fucking internship? Jesus.
A- Always
I think they're trolling. They made this comment yesterday on a story about NYC looking over their history curriculum because it only included one woman (or something like that): Men are more important than females. Deal with it.
Minimum wage is an everyone issue. How are people against people making a living wage without working two or three jobs?
You should probably talk to a professional about that. Either a psychiatrist, or maybe someone in the bdsm profession.
I'm not sure how anyone can be a Republican these days. It's like taking a job on a remote island in an underground bunker where your boss has an eye patch and is prone to fits of maniacal laughter. You have to know you're working for the bad guy.
If assholes had a bat signal, it would look like Rick Perry.
I think we can all safely agree that Perry really fucking hates women. I've never in my life seen someone go out of their way to make women's lives more difficult on such a consistent basis.
The fact that Republicans are against a minimum wage increase shows exactly how far out of touch they've gotten. And it's rather terrifying.
Wow, it must suck to have 200 professors publish a letter decrying your mother while you are still a student at the university. This takes humiliation via parent to a whole new level. I bet her son cannot wait to graduate.
We can't. With all of this Americaning we're doing with our drinks and such, our non-eatin' pants don't fit any more.
I think the bigger picture here isn't the voter response and twitter outrage machine, but the fact that something like this could so easily slip through the cracks. College basketball is one of THE defining cultural substances of Kentucky, the other notables being horse racing and bourbon. It would be like slipping…
It wasn't a mistake to put Duke in the video. McConnell just wanted to include something next to which he would appear relatively popular, and Duke basketball was the only thing he could think of.
And the next time he has sex, he will be wearing not one, not two, not three, not four, but five condoms.
Someone's actually letting Madonna direct again?! I thought WE was horrible.
Seriously, this right here is some hard-hitting shit.
I have never wanted to be in Milwaukee as much as I do at this moment.