Sam Jackson Five

Oh, sure. Of course. You'll talk about things being "stolen" in some country we're not allied with, but not a fucking word about what's happening in Gaza. Asshole!

That's fair.

Heads up, Radiohead has been named NME's "Most Influential Artist Today" because DUHHHHH.

Bring back Firefly, you uninformed piece of shit!!!!

I want to scream about Guardians of the Galaxy! That shit was good!! Fuck you, Pinkham!!!

I never signed a pledge stating I would never criticize a woman.

Well, that's one way to declare yourself "Discussion Winner." Well played, I guess.

So, should we simply shake out heads sadly and cross the street any time she issues a statement?

Is she currently mentally ill?

Now that Sinead has weighed in, I guess I'll shelve my debut album and wait until I'm an old weirdo that no one gives a shit about before I release anything.

"A man's game has a man's price."

Now, I hope he gets the blowback.

You left out all the stuff about guns. Folks in the Deep South understand things better if you can work in guns:

Somebody's been reading up on syllogisms.


Stop blaming Marvel for the fact that you didn't go see this enough times to warrant a sequel.

It'd just say "money" over and over again. Groot she ain't.

As her best performance was "hot teenager washing windows" in Two and a Half Men, I'm going to take her take on anything with a grain of salt.

What are the chances Drake was trolling Chris Brown?