
Get the fuck out of here; you noticed that mistake? Wow, I mean, I would award you a would award you a doctorate in English right now if I had the power to do so. Simply amazing that you found this 5 days after it was posted.

.AFAMILYCOMPANY is so looooong. These things are gonna get out of hand really fast, aren't they? Related, just bought .BUTTSTUFFOKPRETTYCOOL

haha it's probably this giiiiiant screen and then a tiiiiiny strip in the middle.

haha, yes back on topic. It was an eventful event.

no it's not.

exactly... ugh

Not crying, just pointing out that I have ample space on my monitor, yet the new layout is still cramped and poorly done. Read better.

WONDERFUL QUESTION... love to know.

Yeah, I mean more or less this is what I work on. I move my head 1/4 turn to look at the other side.

which is helpful. But I don't think that gets the whole title in the article preview.

lol or just the big, dumb gizmodo picture thinger... (shhhh)

Agreed on all accounts. It could be utilized so much better. And yeah, scanning the articles makes it difficult to see where one starts and ends on the main page... ugh.

I read the last sentence too fast and thought it said "right from The Cock's mouth" in case you were wondering.

I'd like to cite this article as reasoning for why I don't like the new layout of giz. I have a fairly large monitor at work. We'll say it's at least 25". There are about two and a half inches of grey space on both sides of the main page. Since the ads or what have you on the left side of the main page are larger now,

but what would you put in the heart compartment? Mix tapes from your lovers past? HitClips? The antidote?

Yeah I think the car is the only good thing. I find myself taking the lock screen off when I'm on the road and using the gps. Otherwise, this is silly. Maybe if it were $5 I would use it.

Please, go on. Enfuckingthralled right now.

agreeeeeeeeed, it was nice for awhile.

I'd rather the misuse it ambiguously, or even begrudgingly unawares. Or misuse the use amusingly.

Well... thank you for the history lesson. I had no idea this was such a far reaching epidemic. I most certainly could be a 210 year old trapped in a 24 year old's body, since I feel I harbor that much frumpy-grumblingness. (Just let that sink in).