
10/10 would hang (out with her)

womenz and immigrantz are ruining murica. Thanks, Obama!!

Thanks Callie before I read this I was a 300 pound sack of shit now I'm 150 lean and mean. The trick is to find strangers having sex, and keep lifting their bed until they start fighting you or the cops come and you run. It's really great for staying in shape.

can you follow me on jezebel then so i can feel some sense of self-worth #followback

Why won't anna kendrick marry me is it because I didn't make a youtube proposal yet =( #teamfollowback

I was always a reader but does anyone remember the Chronicles of Prydain? SO FUCKING GOOD. Harry Potter before harry potter.

I remember as a kid having glasses was not common so I still heard the four-eyes teases from other kids. If kids go to second screen screenings we need to figure out how to come up with a way to tease these people!

Don't forget to mention rising dairy costs/insane amount of waste involved with greek yogurt packaging, or the destruction of city landscapes cluttered with more froyo/yogurts hops

So this image from io9 was to the left of this article, i'd say it's also apropos

for days?

10/10 would bang but needs to shave first

no twerking and vogue cover? Women can't have it all =(

I'm insufferable but why won't anyone date me qq

So are they implying that previous games might have been?

but Aslan lives in America how can he write about other countries its disingenuous

I, for one, welcome our new over(under?)lords

I had a banana and coffee because my lunch options are really shitty overpriced hipster food trucks does that affect my brand =(

Less fair? is that implying the bf/cod games are balanced/fair?

Internet commenter for around 20 years and it's so weird that gifs are "mainstream" now. I'm not upset about it, and I'm not happy about it. It's great to see some truly clever gifs but at the same time threads are diluted with a lot of junk. It's like the stupid "TV show takes place in the 80s/90s" or the "what my