
? There are plenty of thriving PC-only gaming companies. Nexon, Blizzard, Valve, ArenaNet, Riot, Runic, and I'm pretty sure there are more successful PC only game companies over console exclusive companies.

Remember when they took out dedicated servers that was hilarious. Good times.

Evangelical business owners sure love treating employees like shit and using sweatshop labor.

Ok the last one wasn't some inspiring aweshucks quote, I almost thought we were on buzzfeed for a sec

He's not a dinosaur. Who gave him the right to talk about them? Mainstream media outlets of course is too scared to ask this question

Two things : You stated it in a follow up to someone else, which I did not see.

This. Which is why I don't understand why people get upset that there was a post asking why there were no female characters in GTA. Not all of us have fun running over hookers!

Yeah. I already moved on to Dota2 oh well. My little brother (who is in high school) still plays it though and when I heard him and his friends playing and talking over Voip, I knew it was time for me to move on. Most of the people I run into in Dota are college age/older, fortunately.

It's weird that they don't have something like Steamguard where if you login from another IP they don't have a verification process like a code getting sent to your email?

The problem with this is guys will find girls private information, and contact them privately to harass or threaten them. Once you have someones name it is surprisingly easy to find out where they live, where they go to school, etc, even if they don't put their information online thanks to facebook/external

Ha i got into an argument once with someone who called me a white knight. He also used the word bro a lot and got into a contest about how he could lift more than some other bro in the thread. It was great.

But usually first time offenders get a warn or a light suspension, no? This would immediately discourage such behavior. I used to be a mod for an FPS game and it was easy to dole out punishment, and even the threat of bans made the community a great place

LoL is also in the running. Same user base/demographics, and the fact that the game is team oriented and one bad teammate affecting your entire team makes it a hotbed of hate/immaturity. Dota 2 is slightly better, though it is now out of beta and free to everyone and has been getting a lot of press...

Yeah but some people like to talk with their friends/have some semblance of teamwork. On PC people are much more mature about it, and even sometimes there are admins on the server that will mute/kick/ban offending players. It's great.

PC Gaming ftw! There are pockets of this behavior out there, particularly in CoD and Moba/arts games, but nowhere near as bad. Also, much easier to find groups of people to party up with and a lot more older people that have wives/long term girlfriends/maturity.

That guy must be an MRA. They are all sorts of ignorant. Also, he's going off about how there might have been millions of complaints to go through so Microsoft couldn't get to it on time. Steam/Blizzard have higher userbases and still get through their complaints in a timely manner (less than a week, often in a few

butbutbut that makes the game less realistic!!!

Ugh yeah thin lips gross that's why I just don't watch movies anymore

Problem with kill streaks : artificially boosts scores, people will resort to more mundane tactics to stay alive (lots of nadespam, lots of camping, spawn camping/killing), and team stacking/lack of balance in teams.

Unfortunately the most popular BF3 maps were the ones with tight corridors and high kills/lack of actual aim involved, due to the stupid point system/point farming.