
Weird. I'm an 80s kid and my brother is 10 yrs younger and him and his friends (same school, etc) are very very different. I also tutored kids his age that were more similar to him and less to me. So i always assumed I was gen y and they were millennials.

So millennials are what age group exactly? I feel like the people who were born late '80s early '90s are much more similar than people born after mid '90s

Yeah, well I already systematically shut down their other arguments so they just started ignoring me. And went off about other things. So silly...

Can you guys share some gender inequality studies links please? I'm in the middle of an argument with some guys that keep positing that sexism doesn't exist and pay difference is only because women become mom's . Blah. (Been arguing all day, need to do some work =/)

Please use YOLO in a defense. GO!

Have a big dick, become a big dick.

Me too! I still don't know the plot for Bioshock Infinite outside of the release trailer or Last of Us. Waiting until September. Squeee!

Ok I hope this doesn't count as spam but - look at the reaction to this news on the website for an online community I'm a part of's really great

Yep. Or when they throw up inspirational quotes (*grimaces*)

I like to use it on really mundane Facebook updates, to be obnoxious. And "Bro". Or Brolo

Lol i can just imagine "Please refer to the part in my admissions application where you ask if I've ever been to jail"

And this is where the American corn industry swoops in to "Save the day"

Oh yeah, ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE!!!!! So excited about that. Ah. Trying to avoid Steam Sales since i bought 30 games at the last one and played 4 of them

=*( I have friends that feel the same way, I'm glad I never got into it. That said, i probably spent that much time in Skyrim and i didn't even finish the game!

Have you tried Secret World or Guild Wars 2? Both on my to-do list. So much to do so little time! I like those games because I can drop in for 30-45 minutes anytime and drop out. No grinding necessary!

The funny thing is is all the male executives are pretty awful towards the gamer segment like Kotick/Mattick/EA/Ubisoft yet now because this exec is a female gaming is dead as they know it

But but but she's a girl! If only she was like Mattick or Kotick or one of the other terrible male executives that also don't play video games and care more about the bottom line!!!!

If she is black do the cops try and pull her over all the time b/c she obviously stole the invisible car and it can't be hers?