Oh I haven't touched my console in 2-3 years (when Uncharted 3 came out?). Strictly pc here too. Though I'm going to get Ni No Kuni and Last of Us soon. I found there to be more (well, at least vocal) female gamers in MMORPG's, and female guilds.
Oh I haven't touched my console in 2-3 years (when Uncharted 3 came out?). Strictly pc here too. Though I'm going to get Ni No Kuni and Last of Us soon. I found there to be more (well, at least vocal) female gamers in MMORPG's, and female guilds.
What is the best thing to do is find a more tech-driven website like Overclock or Anandtech, get into the "Official Threads" for whatever game, and you can usually find older /more mature gamers to play with, and after you're comfortable w/ them , you can reveal you're a female.
When they find out too they will use that against you, and either start talking more shit, or start hitting on you.
The windows cloud stuff as a windows phone user is pretty useful, so I can imagine there being some advantages with xbox there. Never owned one, don't know. If it fails you can join me on the PC yay!
Schindler's List 2 : Electric Boogaloo
And if you're a boy in high school and you're a virgin you're a loser. And if you're a girl in high school and you've had sex you're a slut and if you haven't you're a prude
You're making the wrong argument. You can't make it about women. To get your point across, you have to tell them that the Mexicans are stealing American jobs. Then they might do something about it. Tough choice for them, take away from immigrants or women?
I wonder how many people will drive by/stare/get in a car accident. That's the only way I'd think someone could argue for it being offensive. LA drivers are notoriously bad at paying attention. Even electronic billboards give them fits.
That's why we'll have a wall, you know, to try to shut that whole thing down.
Except this is seth macfarlane you're talking about.
I like that a lot of guys make up their own statistics in here to prove a point that is completely off b/c they are self absorbed/ignorant. Or that these girls don't actually play the games or play games. Mansplaining ftw.
So then...buy it on PC when it drops to 15 bucks 6-9 months later? (to trick people into buying it before GOTY versions come out, of course)
Also, Perfect Dark was big. And the female characters in Uncharted were excellent. And playable in multiplayer.
Laura, just get the game for PC and wait for mods! If they can add Iron Man, Woody/Buzz vs the zombie apocalypse, or the Hulk, I'm sure they can figure it out.
Can't wait for you to join us, Sarah! Ugogurl
I went to a conservative school and I've heard some things like if you don't go all the way in it doesn't count as sex. Yeah
Do these crookies crumble.
Nerds! They're just like us!