I feel like you were the one who had a groupthink post ages ago that had the tortoise from this music video. Were you?
I feel like you were the one who had a groupthink post ages ago that had the tortoise from this music video. Were you?
Your dad has damn good taste!
Same here. I went to a group therapy session once, and I just didn't belong.
Well, I'm really sorry you're stuck in that situation, but it seems like you have your priorities straightened out. Good luck!
Oh, that's tough. I was hoping this would be about you, not because I would wish this behavior on you, but because if you know what you're doing, you have the potential to fix it. I wish I had better advice for you.
Me! Seriously though, for me it's anxiety. I am so scared of failure that I make absolutely terrible decisions. CBT helps.
I had to talk to a PT about some back problems. I sleep on my stomach, and very occasionally on my side, but I tried for two weeks to sleep on my back. It was awful. Her advice: getting rest is more important than the position.
I would think about what you think about the long-term future of your relationship. I know that's tough, but for me it was important.
I have some serious anxiety with regards to certain issues. For me, the basic key is acknowledgement not encouragement. As another poster mentioned, if I'm panicking about something, telling me that it will be fine or not to worry about it is belittling. Saying something like, 'you know, I can see why that's…
Smoke weed with your significant other, have a crippling anxiety attack and then spend hours curled up in the fetal position crying and shaking. Weed!
...you didn't hurt my feelings. I just exist in a constant state of frustration and hives.
A: that is gross behavior on the part of that college boy and B: oh god small towns are horrible. Everyone knows everything about everyone.
"learn to love anti-histamines" is a bit obnoxious. I've tried over a dozen meds, both individually and in mixtures, and I still can't deal with my boyfriend's cat. I'm taking drugs, getting shots, we're doing a lot of cleaning, brushing, allergy spraying, etc. and it's not fucking working.
IUDs, too.
Oh, damn! I had no idea food pantries took those. Thanks for posting this.
As long as you're nice about it, and recognize that not all accommodations are possible, you should be fine. I used to handle a lot of special diet dishes, and as long as customers were polite and understanding, everything went well.
So so many people use caffeine as a justification for being a total asshole in the mornings.
I have no idea. So we should have just one culture? What?
Sex ed is public health. It should be taught in schools.