
Sweet baby Jesus I would STFU if I were you. But keep digging if you think that well get you out, haha

the hood?

wow, dude, really? *speechless*

Idk, I think it's very different when historically marginalized groups create spaces for themselves than when a dominant group does the same, because EVERYWHERE is the dominant group's space. Like, if this group was a bunch of white adventurers saying "no blacks allowed" we would all be throwing major shade.

I suppose you're right, but both would be terrible designs. You need a large opening to pee and poop, not to hold your butt cheeks.

I'm going to guess they were white Australians. Let's not excuse Australia's problematic history with race any more than we excuse America's.

Ummm, not to be an ass here, but..........basic reading comprehension skills go a long way in addressing this problem.

The financial aspect is what's pushing me towards a straight razor, for sure. Cartridges are ridiculously expensive.

Women get to have a life experience that men do not: they can carry a child within them that they will eventually birth. They get to bond with their unborn child and form attachments far earlier than men do with their children. Jealousy is not the emotion here; it's envy. Pregnancy is pure magic to me, and I envy

It seems like they're combining a fetish for pregnancy with the assumption that anything women can do, men can do better, so nothing new here.

Art of Manliness cracks me up. It's kind of hilarious reading articles written by a bunch of 24-28 year olds trying to give me a lecture about how to be a "real man." As if they have the foggiest idea.

r/relationships is my biggest guilty pleasure. It is hilarious and everyone is insane. In their universe, anyone who has friends of the opposite sex is definitely cheating and gaining weight is the number one worst thing you can do to your partner (after cheating, of course, which is a capital offense).

Yeah, I stand corrected. I am probably just noticing certain ones more than others because of my own biases.

It's really dependent on where you live, your race and your class. Where I live, the pendulum has only recently swung away from "breastfeeding is gross" and right now we seem to be at this perfect mid-point in the swing where it hasn't yet gone to "everyone must breastfeed!!!" So when I was nursing my son, people

It's gender-essentialist and stupid to think that a woman who has procreated is in some sort of factory-setting state of health and happiness. Yet, anyone who walks around doling once-size-fits-all advice for nursing and childcare is essentially operating on this ridiculous assumption.

This is the single most pretentious sentence I have ever read, and I've read Ayn Rand.

This is not an example of a put-upon woman throwing away her money at the feet of a contemptuous clerk. This is an example of a human faced with another human's error choosing to handle that very normal everyday error like a rabid squirrel.

hi i think you have a lot of good idears and i want to talk to you more about them these animals they are freedom fioghters and i think its the lefty pinko freaks who would suggest we eat them you know why because they are cannibals think about it its all just a big flat circle and if we are all the same species as

Not really dressy, but I hear great things about Bogs when it comes to cold/wet protection.