There's adults that think McDonalds not having chicken nuggets constitutes a 911 emergency.
Kid knows about PSN yet doesn't understand what constitutes a real usage of 911. It's moments like these when you suddenly realise that those who say playing video games non stop is a bad thing may actually have a point to some degree.
Northern European men are always youtube/instagram/snapchat stars. The blonde hair and light eyes mesmerize tweens.
Well, that's one way to tailgate
This is absolutely disgusting.
And here I thought Browns fans were from Cleveland...
Bette Midler is absolutely a diva! Ariana is being groomed to be one.
We need to raise awareness of Hank Hill Butt Syndrome.
500 people paid their respects to the cat that passed away.
I saw Insane Masturbatory Rampage open for Slayer in '92.
"Latinos tend to hold conservative social views"
Nope. Not in the under-40 generation. The overwhelming majority are both pro-choice and pro-marriage equality. You're assuming stuff the data in no way backs up.
"I wouldn't say no to ever doing an MMO again," Morhaime said to Polygon. "But I can say that right now, that's not where we want to be spending our time."
That second call is pretty good
This article made me buy the game.