Don’t encourage this behavior!
Don’t encourage this behavior!
“Gesundheit, Lord Vader!”
What...uhhhh...what was the gambling line on this-here scrimmage? Apropos of nothing at all, of course - I’m just curious.
For when you definitely have Truck Nutz, but you’re responsible about how you employ them.
Oooohhh...mystery mule! Did it snag the record?
DAVID TRACY: *cracks knuckles*
*Nods enthusiastically*
THIS tidbit is what I came here for. When I saw that gif I immediately wondered if those delicate hoops were spring-loaded so that you had to awkwardly fold them back up and ham-fistedly cram them back into the dash hole, or if some industrious Swedes working through the long night had done it the right way. It makes…
Oh goody, I always love a new episode of “Franz Kafka presents: Wrench’d.”
...What? New heads ARE company.
How much do you think the admission fee “suggested donation” (goddamn liberal courts!) for the Trump Presidential Library And Gift Shop* will be?
*a.k.a. “Banana Stand One,” where the bootleg Calvin-peeing-on-the-Presidential-Seal stickers are only ten bucks!
If you think the only thing you can do with a handgun is kill something, you have a poor understanding of the ACTUAL function of a gun, which is ballistics. My handgun fires a small piece of metal a very long distance at very high velocities. This is extremely useful for killing things. And, in rare situations, useful…
Hey, back off, Torch - that’s Highway Safety Mommy’s minivan. She printed out her badge from the internet.
It was designed by the Boeing X-32 team for that extra aero cred. They’ve got to earn back their JSF investment SOMEhow....
Those war-paint lights have been proven to scare 32% more other drivers out of the left lane.
She’s a “2" in LA, but a “10" in Cheyenne.
This was great! Inspired me to actually go see the movie, for which I totally owe you one. I did not expect to enjoy this film as much as I did. It was subtly hilarious and ruthlessly vicious all at once.
Ooooh, nobody wants to tell the G90 that it came out of the men’s room with its tie tucked into its boxers. Awkwarrrrrrrd!
NICE pull! B&S are delightful.