
there was a kid on the subaru forums (i forget which) who used a 555 timer and a few other ic's as a homebrew project that would wire into the existing harnesses for the vsc/dccd/{s} mode controls so they would be automagically setup after you start the car each time.. cool concept...

there's a couple here in HI (not a young couple, mind you) that have two elise(s?) and dd them daily; i'm a tad jealous to tell you the truth...

great concept idea, but it's another stab at reinventing the wheel - your most popular tablets on the market these days have rugged cases available (see everyones responses about the otterbox)

Gotta admit, I expected something like this, if even subconciously; back when I was in the Scion game they flew me and 150 others to Miami for a Scion weeekend with the pre-unveiling of the current gen xB and a few other show cars - put us up in nice hotels, limo'd us to clubs and things all reserved for the group...

post ALL the railgrinds!

I really wanted Catrinel to follow up Charlie by saying one word the right way, "...Nothing..."

"Half the car is on the right shoulder and half the car is in an uphill bed of rocks at about a 45 degree angle."

wash and wax more... though, an STI looks good dirty too, that only makes sense when it's dirty because of being off road... i need to treat her better...

thank you, random droid sir.

right on the nose with that one - would love a free screen share app for my mbp to my ipad or transformer, alas, displaylink is windows only as well...

yes and yes - i'm surprised it wasn't mentioned - I run it every now and then on my pc to ipad1 and it does fine for static windows and not half bad for watching streaming shows, though a little stuttery, but fine for peripheral viewing

I liked that option for a while, except that I get a day of use out of each battery.. and my rat9 has been sitting while i use the logitech wave mouse that came with the wave combo... the cool factor is there, for sure, but even the rat9's programming has messed up on me a few times... i dunno, it's a love/hate with

this just reminds me that next year I must install an in-car loop recording system, then i could upload a video everyday of the retards i'm forced to share the road with...

that $300 for bose is tough to part with - especially since I got my jambox for a steal and it provides the volume i need and then some still + i'm not worried about taking it places (ie the garage, under the car etc while i'm working - places I wouldnt take the bose)

all the tips are good - also at wally world there's a wash kit available with long snake pipe cleaner for the hose and bottle brush for the body as well as a collapsable plastic hangar to keep it open while drying on a towel rod


oh man i lol'd

It's been just over a year since my last trip; have a safe journey! I would love to be there this season

i'm saving that video to show my kids on the first time they ever throw a tantrum. that'll learn em.