
mine will be made from this EJ20 which was donated to me... can't wait to get it setup!

I just ordered the Soyuz - have had a metropolis(?) messenger sling for a while and love the durability and water-proof quality - can't wait to get the new bag!

thanks for that post Mat - i've been considering one for a while and have been a user of many other jawbone products (a few different generations of ear pieces and a jambox or two); one thing about their devices is the form factor / fit is great - on the other hand their firmware is sketchy at best. it's great that

I wonder if anyone in this situation has tried a 'google goggles' search by face matching the photo...

like the body lines, lucky 23 year old to have all the resources i've always wanted...

had to be said:

It's a cbr 600rr (~2009/10?) can tell by the single rear exit exhaust fairing (the silver bits), about 1' from that sculpted derrier ...

nope - you're only charged after the goal is reached; at that point, amazon holds the seller to delivery of a product

Actually a product along these lines already exits - the Seagate Satellite portable wireless hdd or something or other - its a wifi enabled, battery pack included 2.5" 500gb hdd used for creating a local 'cloud' that your tablet/phone can access files from / to. I like this idea because you could be at the airport and

if i could get that kit for my fiero, i'd do it.

I wish they'd run this list on the news here in hawaii. #5 is an amazingly huge problem here. yield signs are considered stop signs because no one has the foresight to match their speed and continue on their merry way... noo. matching speed would take intelligence. thats too much to ask here.

i should've posted hawaii's method -

that was a good laugh lol

locking lug nuts. guessing she didn't know where the lock-key was...

i held up my RAT9 to compare - more buttons! damn! knew i should've waited lol

ive got a fake plx-kiwi from china,china and the above elm327 also from fleabay; no software included but for iphone, you're only few options are dash command (not my fav) or Rev (much better) (neither are cheap). the elm327 transmits over bluetooth, so only software option is Torque from android market (with a few

+1! wish i got the anniversary editions, solid favorite

my gf and i each have one (and use them regularly) lol, made lots of friends clearing CEL's

exactly what I was thinking of when I saw this thread - Red Asphalt was great, mandatory viewing for drivers ed

man, their servers took a beating for about 10 mins. still, xmas shopping, done.