i can't believe they spelled koeinigggiggiigiigiiggggigggig... wrong.
i can't believe they spelled koeinigggiggiigiigiiggggigggig... wrong.
+1 i lol'd
a good friend (well tatted i might add) said to me once; "a tattoo is a permanent reminder of a temporary state of mind". I remind myself about that thought every time I get an urge to get ink'd.
very well agreed - great attention to detail...but what a god-aweful color! he really couldnt think of a better paint scheme than that?
this would be a worthy answer to a "who taught you to drive" q of the d -
he could drive a gold plated slr for all i care.
i didnt see the question earlier - but i'm sure if i look up my gps, there's a section of US15 between the utah border and las vegas that's posted at 85mph, making 90mph pretty legit. of course, if you're stopped doing 96 like myself, then your bachelor party van will be pulled over and you'll receive a very stern…
so the most memorable experience i've had renting cars was at the sac international airport in CA this last time i was there... I got into an empty rental terminal with the exception for the one person in my line at budget - i had a reservation online, so no worries. I called ahead and was told a convertible mustang…
the fact that you have to have the e-brake on to put the top up/down... nice.
the TiGr lock from kickstarter is similar in locking length, but easier to carry... cool concept..
in my town, consider your seat stolen. maybe even your bottle cage.
sprint is horrible. seven days after canceling my service, they sent me my final bill. six days after canceling, they sent me a 'collections' notice.
is anyone using something like pogoplug/sheevaplug/tonido type setups? for a low cost (sub 100$) and a cheap hdd, you get to setup your own cloud, with similar (if not the same permissions and interface) and you get streaming to boot...
tell em to grow a pair. ive done this on a 50cc scooter.
keypad entry :)
another great diagrammer i like is Popplet - it's online and app based, very intuitive and easy to use. not to fancy in terms of shapes, links etc, but very fast and efficient
more to the point, when driver-less cars (robots) get into 'accidents'(attack humans), who's to blame? (not the floor-mats again, Toyota).
"It's the car owner's fault ..."