
Never mind the POC being used as props....shaking my head.

No kidding. Seems pretty clear to me that the benefit of devoting more time and resources to areas for children to play is because, unlike animals, they will one day (hopefully) grow to become productive members of society. Animals likely never will do this, as fun and cuddly as they are...

Are you serious? That's insane. It should be illegal. Surely your right to live should trump everything else. Don't people understand how allergies work? My sympathies.

And for some people, dolls are the closest thing to children they will ever have, but dolls are not at all like children and we wouldn't think much of people insisting that their dolls be treated like children. I love my cat and take good care of her, but can't imagine that having a child would be or will be anything

Yeah...I have a kid, and a dog, and I've had cats and even chickens. The only thing that is like having a child is a child. Nothing else comes close.

Thank you, as someone allergic to cats, I find it frustrating to see an increase in people traveling by plane with their cat. In the cabin. Next to me.

While we're discussing this, can I issue a world-wide plea for people to STOP referring to people as "[Pet]'s Mommy" unless they refer to themselves that way first? Please?

Unpopular opinion time: while I really like dogs, I don't think they are a very good use of resources. It kind of bums me out how much better pets are treated than people in this world. Not that I think everyone should have to solve all the world's problems before they can spend money the way they want, but geez,

The Dog thing is out of control. Dogs on planes and subway cars. Billions spent on dog medicine. That people love their dogs so much is a sign of how alienated we are from other human beings in our culture. Nobody loved their dogs as much as the SS loved the shepherds.

Anytime someone contributes to a conversation about children with any tidbit about their "furbabies" sensible people tune out. We get it, you love your dogs. They are not, and will not ever be analogous to human children, so just stop.

Cats are ALSO not children. Just sayin'. Too many Facebook friends who disagree. And are wrong. And need to stop.

"Dr." Keith Ablow can ablow me.

I think it goes without saying that if Michelle were the "right" skin color and belonged to the "right" political party (see what I did there? huh? huh?), he would be kissing her "fat" ass.

Why is Life and Style under the impression that smoking pot and making bracelets don't go together? In my experience, smoking pot drastically increases your odds of making bracelets.

Fuck all of christianity. No part of it is safe for women. Lord Satan loves it though because no american christian is going to see Jesus

Ok, so we're applauding her, but why isn't anyone asking her to question the faith that she is blindly following even though it's that very faith that she's running up against?

It's been less than 48 hours, and people are doing their damnedest to out-shithead each other. You suck, human race.

Now playing

Nice try. This is nothing but propaganda. Here's a video of what it's actually like in North Korea

assumptions backed by everything from first hand testimony to satellite images.

Not unfortunate at all...I've always wanted a decently sized diamond's just my thing.