
Maybe you should leave if having to hear about it offends you. You're not a special snowflake who gets to dictate the conversation.

Is it really that threatening to you to call them pink instead of red?

UChi is notoriously one of the most conservative of the the elite universities in this country. It does not have a reputation as liberal or progressive.

Actually no, that isn't how it goes down. Are you familiar with the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard? It sounds like you're just parroting liberal talking points without any knowledge of how the criminal justice system works.

A judge can't set aside an acquittal. That would be double jeopardy.

People lived for thousands of years without toothpaste or floss. Doesn't mean its not a good idea to use it now.

You do realize that Italy is not part of the United States, and you don't have a right to "lawyer up" during questioning there, yes?

The fact that you're throwing around terms like "obstructing justice" and "inadmissible evidence" when you clearly have no idea what either means makes you a moron. Congratulations - you're an idiot.

Whatever. A woman who takes a job that trades on her hotness is upset when she's less hot and can't capitalize on it anymore. Welcome to being most women.

Fucking repulsive. Why are we fetishizing theft and consumerist capitalism??

Reading the teaser or whatever from her book was nauseating. Why does anyone care about this overindulged 1%er? She's already a spoiled child from a rich fucking suburb, so why do we think she didn't have access to large amounts of money before???

Her message that all police are bastards...well, she's not wrong.

Can we fucking eat the rich already?

People deserve a living wage. They deserve not to starve, they deserve to live in decent housing, they deserve a little entertainment here and there. SO fuck you and your 1%-er bootstrap nonsense.

I'm not talking specifically about the ban on kids using the stuff. I'm just saying I find the anti-tanning rhetoric to be classist (you don't want to look TRASHY like Snooki!).

It depends on what you're talking about when you say "manners." If you're talking about things like saying "please" and general regard for others, that's one thing. But if you're talking about things like using the right fork or not talking while eating, that's some classist bullshit right there. Let's not be

Excellent analysis, and I agree 110%.

The anti-tanning bed thing strikes me as really classist. Yes, tanning is unhealthy, I don't think anyone can dispute this. But there is a lot of unhealthy stuff that doesn't get nearly as much hate heaped upon it.

I feel bad for all involved here. The thought of these boys ending up in a kiddie prison makes me sick. The system is broken...these kids need therapy and community support, not to be locked away and called monsters.

Louis Vuitton is such trash. I hate anyone who owns a Louis Vuitton bag. 1% bullshit.