
Did y'all know that March of Dimes began as a campaign for donations to the campaign to eradicate polio? People sent tons and tons of dimes to the FDR White House?! I learned this in the excellent Polio: An American Story.

Even actors take shitty roles in crappy productions for the money/ exposure/experience. Very few people do what they want to do all the time. One of them is Honey Boo Boo, and the other is Rihanna.

Doing something you don't love is difficult. Doing something you do love is easy. Try to make your living doing something you love.

CLEARLY CANADIAN. Specifically the strawberry flavour. Beach days/picnics/my life has never been the same without it.

Bonus: you won't need birth control!

You don't need a pre nup if all you have is $17.00. You need some one wtih more money to marry you without a prenup.

The Gosling/me shippers have come back to life as well.

I like how almost everything sold on Gwyneth's site is designated "exclusive." Like, goddamnit we get it. You're better than us.

That's some Gitmo interrogation shit the dudebro is pulling on that puppy. Cut it out.

Somewhat informative, but....