As long as nobody tries this with the current inane announce team of Cole, JBL, and King. Ugh.
That escalated
With this and the Watch_Dogs Graphics debacle, Ubisoft PR department must have the time of their lives.
Dear Ubi,
Would someone please explain to either Sterling or his lawyers or both that only the government can infringe his rights of free speech? The NBA can do anything it wants to him, and it's not an infringement of his constitutional right of free speech. Sigh.
I don't care what Donald Sterling said quite frankly. But let's get some facts straight here because a lot of people seem to be confused.
Was watching a Halo 2 clip just yesterday...
There is a difference between Freedom of Speech, the legal principle, and freedom of speech, the cultural value.
The man, like so many others in the US, has a really bad understanding of free speech and people's rights. Yes, Donald Sterling absolutely has the right to be an old racist in his home. That's why he's allowed to be one and isn't dragged off to prison. However, that does not make him immune from criticism or…
Exactly the type of response a computer would give... hmmm....