
Chess would be better if I could have my Rook hide off the side of the board, so I could ambush the other player's chess pieces.

Linkara was absolutely wrecked at the news yesterday. He told a story about the following animated clip, how he couldn't look at Justin "JW" because every time he did, he just busted out laughing at JW's expression.

Now playing

Ah, Xenogears, probably one of my most favorite RPGs of all time. And it also had one of the most bad-ass, manliest things EVER seen in a video game...

I know how big they can be. But seriously, the vulture is TALLER than the person next to it. I'm just saying... the birds are REALLY freakin huge.

It's the dogs you gotta be careful of though... Never take the last piece of bacon. EVER.

Except the EMS vulture is also huge. It's probably because it's easier to get something to fly when you have room to put in a big enough power source. Or because giant robo-owls might peck your eyes out if you don't read more books. Read more books... or ELSE!

I can forgive gameplay for ease of use, but when you start launching military vehicles with a huge pile of explosives on top of buildings, you just have to stare at what constitutes a more "realistic" shooter nowadays.

Yeah, sort of lost that "simulator" part when folks started launching MRAPs all Halo 1 Warthog launch onto buildings. Which seems really weird to mention both Halo and BF4 in the same sentence.

Good ol' Simcity Disaster Watch icon. How I missed you.

WWE is doing something that's "Best For Business"?!?

All hail the Hypno-Boobs.

The Power of SCIENCE and Team Rocket is Amazing...

Ah, it's like Warthog jumping from Halo 1, for the new generation of video games. Good times.

Jelly Side Down!?!

And the Twist is that the Devil was actually the dead guy who was stuck in the ceiling all along!

I know it isn't THQ, but that's some THQuality right there...

Oddly enough, I did rename my Medi-Gun to "Unlicensed Nuclear Generator" a few years ago. Guess I pull it out of storage now.

Well, you know what this means... right?