I don’t understand why William’s comment is a thing. My mom’s gay and...
I don’t understand why William’s comment is a thing. My mom’s gay and...
There is absolutely nothing wrong with William’s comment, and everything wrong with Lauren's take
I don’t understand why William’s comment is a thing. My mom’s gay and I have a lot of friends that are gay and they all navigate life just fine, but I’d still worry about how my child would be treated if they came out as gay. Support them a million percent, but it’s my DUTY to worry about them. Knowing they’re…
Harry’s kids can get away with being gay, but William is direct line of succession and that means his kids have got to do the old royal duty, and you can’t get away with donor, in vitro, or adoption with the old Royal Blood; it is strictly het and within wedlock.
I’m not sure I get the snark over William’s comments (beyond the legitimate discussion about the word “decision”). He acknowledged that the issues would be the result of society’s failures and that’s something we all need to work to change. Given the scrutiny Meghan has faced, undoubtedly in large part because she is…
I couldn’t be more proud to be a member of ravelry, so I made this.
honestly, it’s like yall are just out there desperately trying to find something to complain about. the song is a great step for her and it’s fun and catchy. so yes, you are a bad faith critic, whatever that means.
y'all. i'll pay someone to take mine. it's never been used, never will be. if there's someone out there who needs it, i will hand it over so, so happily.
I absolutely agree that Karamo Brown is doing “social work on mass scale” and I think ultimately he should have a section of social work history class taught on his methods and the scope of his impact, but, I understand why the show hasn’t yet revealed his true credentialing. As an art therapist, I intimately am…
THANK YOU. Judgment may be emotionally satisfying but it’s a poor teacher.
I’m a clinical social worker (just like Karamo!) and this article is basically every parent calling me to complain that I’m not being hard enough on their kid and change isn’t happening fast enough. Effective change comes from communicating connection and acceptance, while also leading the client to their own…
I think the show has its moments where it still touches on this or lays down a hard truth, although I found more of them in the first two seasons than in season three. For example, there was Robert in episode 2 who, after calling himself fat and lazy for most of the episode, was totally judgmental of his own young…
First of all, LOVE your username. Also, kudos for reading through my lengthy and type-o ridden post and understanding what I was trying to communicate, haha. I completely agree with what you’re saying, specially this, “Very, very few people are unselfish to the degree that when sunk into such states of depression they…
And of course I skipped all the stuff from when they were babies (diapers, barfing, potty training, touring preschools, scrubbing high chairs, learning food allergy exposure schedules...)
I am seriously about to cry after reading this. Just tonight I got a surly response after very gently, passively suggesting a task that he should do. And then when I got pissed (which I expressed by staring at him) he responded by asking if I had a bad day of work and then saying I was crazy for feeling like his tone…
Holy fucking shit THIS is what is impossible to explain to partners. All of this. We don’t even have kids yet, and there is still a list of things like this. My partner doesn’t like to “feel stupid” so if there’s something he doesn’t know how to do, he kind of like...gets insecure and doesn’t do it...so I do. I love…
This reminds me of my partner and how he used to say he’s the one who “works.” It excuses all manner of laziness in the home. Housework and child-rearing is work. Unpaid, unappreciated work.
That is probably one of the most comprehensive lists of household chores and child rearing tasks I have ever read. Have you ever shared this list with your partner? Not giving advice, I’m just curious how he reacted. I'm guessing defensively.
You are a super hero.
“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”