
I’ve been married rather less longer than you, but I basically took my husband to task on this one super early, because he came from a household where his mom did everything, and things like dishes in the sink didn’t even register on his radar. But I made it clear with him - I would be his wife, not his maid, and I

Please remember that domestic violence victims are not only female.

It’s a dual edged sword - a lot of cops are poorly trained and there are almost no social programs that can properly assist someone who has had their self-esteem stripped away like someone in a domestic violence situation. People, men or women, who are the victims of domestic violence, are also the ones that cling to

I wasn’t sure whether I shuddered more at the officer’s failure to recognize escalating domestic violence or this comment in particular. :/ Both are pretty heinous.

I have never heard of Lilly Pulitzer before today, but she makes me think of Lisa Frank for old ladies.

At the same time, it's like the dad is blackmailing to redirect responsibility from the fact that he cheated on the girl's mother. The problem is, do you let that bomb sit un-detonated or not?

Unfortunately, his actions and lies are pretty much unexcusable. The wiki article doesn’t do justice to the matter the way that some of the early news articles do. :/ It’s hard to know what to do to prevent that sort of thing in the future, because I don’t think a witness education program (like the joint

The sad thing is that the policy for most police departments in the states are totally different than those in Canada and northern European countries. In US departments, officers are trained less, paid less and focus disproportionately on property crimes and tickets (leading to that fun [/sarcasm] John Oliver video on


Like, I’m extremely familiar with LEO force options. Want to be a cop myself. A quick look through my comments history will show that I have spent a fair bit of typing time explaining police decision making to people who don’t have the same experience as me.


The guys at one of my old jobs could plan pub nights.... but that’s about it. You know, “show up at 9” and all that.

*rolls eyes*

Cops are trained to yell instructions loudly and repeatedly because of the effect that adrenaline has on a person's cognitive abilities.

Maybe you're borderline asexual and can ignore that stuff, and yes, there's way more to life than getting boned every day, but sexual pleasure and needs don't start and end with P in V sex.

I have one former boyfriend (well, him and his younger sister) who were raised like the girl you mention in the article - full disclosure on 99.5% of stuff they did to their parents, and their parents trusted them implicitly. Apparently from the age of 3 onwards, up until he was about 23 (and he actually started

Our wedding wasn't ruined, but we and the restaurant inadvertently ruined someone else's wedding....

It might not even be something like an arranged marriage. All you need is a helicopter or emotionally obtuse parent and this sort of "internal push" can drive a teenager away from a family.

Keep in mind that a lot of teenagers, no matter what country or ethnicity, who run away to stupid places (at least, places that seem stupid to us rational adults) , are often groomed by predators who basically tell them that they're special and needed, and treat them well and promise or provide gifts, initially, to

This! Add in that a lot of teenagers (no matter what ethnicity or country) who run away to stupid places (at least, places that seem stupid to us rational adults) , are often groomed by predators who basically tell them that they're special and needed, and treat them well and promise or provide gifts, initially,

I personally pretend they don't exist. I dislike mint with a fiery passion. :P

Yeah, but the old version of the cookies (before Girl Guides changed manufacturers) were way better :P

I dunno, I think if I had a mother-in-law like Diana (even though she was awesome), I'd probably try to avoid the pitfalls that came with it. Who would want to live up to that circus? She could have made a deliberate choice to keep things private. If there's a lesson to learn from someone else's experiences, I think