
Which ignores the fact that most good "nerdy" books, TV shows and movies, mainly sci-fi and fantasy, but also getting into alternate reality type, have some pretty deep socio-economic and political meaning as well - Stranger in a Strange Land, Star Trek, Neuromancer, The Chrysalids, Firefly, 1984.... the list goes

I remember people hating on her for her perceived ability not to 'keep' a man and judging her accordingly.

Like I said, dumb comments on her part.

Now playing

Because these guys get those nuances so well.

Then why aren't you tearing apart other white, asian and non-American black artists who perform rap? I've heard some pretty hideous mandarin rapping that clearly gave no thought to the inner city black struggle.

Of course. It's debuting in New York next week.

To be fair, despite her previous dumb comments, this is a pretty awesome "fuck y'all, I'm gonna keep doing my thing!" to her critics. If we took the exact same words, spell-checked and transposed them onto Taylor Swift's account, we'd all be applauding her for standing up for herself. Granted, Taylor's version of

Indeed, I still noodle around on my sax sometimes and my husband plays guitar. :P

Hey, I'm advertising his band, even though he's been an ass for years.

I'm definitely more concerned about the fact that he's using it in a retaliatory way - and also, not initiating sex, when (I'm assuming) that you're is making it clear you wants sex more often.

Maybe send this to Dan Savage? I think he'd have a better take on it than I ever could.

ahahahha, mine too! High School boyfriend + insane tenor sax player. Only he still plays tenor sax in a band. :P I'd be into the band too, if it wasn't for their shitty vocalist.

The only reason I feel fine posting this is because ever since I dumped him, he basically turned into a mute whenever I was present. So

Ohhhh this sounds awesome. Bit of an Chinese history nerd here, but I totally missed her. Thanks for bringing her to light!

Race played a part in both tragedies.

I dunno, but I think flying cool airplanes and helicopters and rescuing people pretty much counts as a job (He's even donating his salary to charities). It makes him even more awesome, because not only is he a prince, he's strapping on a flight suit and heading out to rescue people. :P

What a lot of people don't realize is that the good officers WANT to say something. But it's not their own consciences preventing them from doing it. Most departments have a policy (sometimes unwritten, but usually, it's an actual contract) that if you bad mouth it or its officers in any way, or speak to the media or

There's got to be more to this story.

Because Wilson had turned his upper body to face the attacker, and as his statement says, his left arm was up, trying to shield himself, which would shield the left cheek.

Because Wilson had turned his upper body to face the attacker, and as his statement says, his left arm was up, trying to shield himself, which would shield the left cheek.

Because Wilson had turned his upper body to face the attacker, and as his statement says, his left arm was up, trying to shield himself, which would shield the left cheek.

He stated he did not want to lean away from the attacker, to either escape the blows or go for his duty bag in the passenger seat (where his asp