
An unfortunate truth of drug addictions - people rarely end up meaning more than the drug, even if the part of her brain that isn't addicted loves you dearly (that is why addiction is such a hideous disease) . Unless you've seen 100% evidence that she's clean, then she is probably still banging her dealer and still

Wrong! It's a hardwired thing, much like sexual orientations and other sexual preferences (like where you fall in the BDSM spectrum). :D It can be influenced by many factors, but even then, there are quite few scientific papers about how humans are not generally meant to be monogamous for longer than two years at a

Oh, I will never have that problem, because it's what's *inside* that matters. Even when I am old and grey, with wrinkles, I will be intelligent, vivacious, strong and kind-hearted.

Unlike you, for instance, who will be just bitter and shallow, along with being grey and saggy. :) I weep for you. Oh so much. :P

:P Very true. But disney movies give us unrealistic expectations.

Well, considering that I'm polyamourous, but didn't realize it at the time, yeah, you could say that I don't have a brain that's wired to be attracted to only one person at a time.

Nope. I am very much of the opinion that if you are having bad sex with someone and they refuse to improve or change or are unable to, you are free to seek sex elsewhere, so long as you inform your "bad" sex partner that you're doing it. If they choose to bail, then that's their choice.

Yeah, it was bad. (The other guy turned out to be worse, but in a different way, so that's karma for me). :P I have some sense of humor about it all now.

We're all quite pragmatic. I saw no point in being loyal to someone who didn't trust me to begin with, especially since I had made very hard effort to not cheat, even though the opportunity had risen several dozen times over the course of the school term.

It was like saying no to chocolate cake that was being thrust

One that's smarter than you :) I call it my "emotional vomit journal" now. Much more classy.

Everyone's crazy when they're 18 (which is when this happened). Dear me, did you not do batshit crazy stuff when you were 18? No stupid mistakes? None? :P

Well, seeing as me and my husband are polyamourous, I gotta tell you, it's a lot of fun being in a marriage where you can legitimately love and sex other people. Way more interesting than relationship monogamy was for me.

Nope! :) I'm pretty awesome. But we all have fail moments at 18 years old. Some are more legitimate than others, lol.

:P I did feel bad for a long time, but now I realize that while I could have handled that situation much better, it was his unrealistic expectations of himself and me that turned me off. It's a long story, but he basically didn't want to objectify or "disrespect" me in any way. Which meant that he never ever said

It was actually pretty rage induced.

I had been actively resisting a hot guy who was trying to flirt/seduce me away from Boyfriend (who had moved across the country to be with me) but couldn't avoid the other guy, because he was a classmate and we were partners for a bunch of projects. I was basically praying for

It was more of a rage induced "I'LL SHOW YOU CHEATING!" .

Similar, but not quite the same situation: Hubby and I are going at it, only to be greeted by a "Hello!" and a clicking noise, as my cockatoo proceeds to thrust her face into my armpit. Hubby disowns the bird for the fiftieth time. Probably for good reason.

This bird has also ruined sexy times in many different

I was outed as a cheater when my ex read my Gmail chat logs.

I don't know much else about what the queen does, but I know Prince Charles is really big on promoting "walking communities" and buying/producing locally. He has basically turned some areas in the Duchy of Cornwall into experimental villages where everything is local and you basically don't need a car. (

(But I am not recommending you do this - I'm just listing some crazy things people do)

File for bankruptcy. I believe it basically puts you as a "nil credit" person. So you'll have to start over with any credit, and the bank will be looking over your shoulder for a set number of years, to make sure you're not doing anything stupid.