
THIS IS NOT MY PERSONAL STORY, but it's that special brand of "holy shit" that I thought it deserves a read - some of you may have already come across it on reddit.

Having been a dispatcher (not a police one, but next level down, plus I've worked with the police ones), it's agonizing sometimes. This dispatcher could have worded things better, but she was not out of line at all otherwise.

You want to comfort the person, but you have to be really ruthless, because the security

In high school, I was a goodie-two-shoes, and wouldn't touch drugs or alcohol. Now I'm older, and much more relaxed. I wish I could smoke pot (it sounds like fun), but I am in the process for being a cop, so that's out, and I can't drink alcohol, because I get insta-migraines from it.

Unfortunately, pepper spray is one of the worst self defense weapons a person can carry. It has as much potential to incapacitate the user as it does the attacker, even if the user is trained, especially if the air currents are not in the user's favor or the user panics and uses it in an area where it will not only

I'm a fairly strong, badass lady (I do jiujitsu as a hobby, I work security, and so have had to chase, take down and arrest guys who are bigger and stronger than me and I train with a bunch of police force options instructors), but, like Ladeefrickenda, that doesn't mean that I'm going to risk getting into a physical

Rational thought does cure most fears. Which is why I'm not afraid to walk around after dark. But I am definitely WARY. Perhaps this is the vocabulary shift needed. Not every woman is afraid. Some are. Most are wary and should be so, even if they are not afraid.

Yes. Just yes.

In Canada, even those who are licensed to own restricted firearms are required to keep them unloaded and in a locked gun case at all times except when cleaning them or opening them at a gun range. Municipal police officers in British Columbia are not generally allowed to take their service weapons home as well.

I was more asking about orientation than "types". My hubby is 100% straight and I'm bi, he has no interest in dating or sexxing other men, nor watching me bone other men, so it means our choices for co-dating are pretty much only ladies. So I was wondering if you were both bisexual or flexible or whatnot.

I'm curious - do you guys have similar tastes in thirds or do you date other couples? :)

I work

Henna was used as far back as ancient Egypt and it has been used allllll across central and south asia for over six thousand years as both body art and a hair dye. Since a whole fuck ton of western culture came from that area over that time period, we're home free.

Not really, without knowing the rest of their natal charts, though Capricorns tend to be insecure and uncertain with themselves until later in life, so I'm assuming the nervous son is the Capricorn moon.

I don't have many people in my family or friends who are Aquarians in any of their signs, so it's one of the signs

Astrology is like my pet illogical issue. I really like it, and I have studied it a fair amount, but I try not to let it creep into my day to day life, because people.

I really don't think most people are capable of the responsibility and sang-froid needed to own a gun. Sure, they might have one or the other, but not many have both. You really need to have the combination of technical and safety knowledge, plus the ability to keep your rational thought process turned on even if you

That is good advice. I will follow it. (*is too inclined to do that by nature*)

Not really :/ I have an IUD and I have to use SuperMaxi tampons too. The diva cup would get so full that it'd overflow onto my hands the second I pulled it out (it didn't leak... but that's almost worse) :/ It's hard to try and pull your pants/underwear/skirt back up with a bloody hand. I like using it at night when

If you have an IUD or heavy periods, moon/diva cups don't last the whole day. :/ And it's a pain in the ass to try and empty them in a toilet stall.

I love my diva cup... but I only wear it overnight, because trying to change it in a public washroom is a pain in the ass. At home, you can easily rinse them.