
I totally understand this, but for me it happened in a different context to realize that it's a physical instinctive reaction. (I was in a really nasty car/bus/pedestrian combo accident, and I didn't feel my injuries at the time, so I was able to move around and came across the unfortunate pedestrian... Despite having

squeals with delight Outlander is my favourite book series. So stoked to see this :D

My hubby went through something very similar. He was verbally and emotionally abused by his father, emotionally neglected by his mother (in her case, she was wrapped up in her own depression, and is now trying to make up for it, so kudos to her) and socially isolated and bullied through most of his childhood, due to

I have no idea why they didn't, but we don't know the details. We don't know how long she was in custody for. We don't know how aggressive or belligerent she could have been. We don't know what sort of holding cell she was in (was supervision in person, on camera or no supervision at all?) or if she switched officers

That's unfortunate that they're not labeled :/ But you have to think about the other side of the coin. Unless it was a branded and recognizable insulin pen, I would be extremely reluctant to allow someone I just arrested for drug possession to inject themselves with a full, unmarked, unlabelled needle.

Because A)

Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. Good samaritan laws don't generally cover police officers and security guards who have someone in custody - that's a whole other kettle of fish, because anything that happens while someone is in custody has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in court. Good Samaritan laws

This has nothing to do with being poor.

I can second the loving of cock, lol.

Indeed it sounds like she had a different way of expressing love ( language) from you. Im lucky in that hubby and I are both touch people, but I've been with people who are different and really one has to adapt (as well as explain how you need affection expressed) so that both parties are happy.

It sounds like she had a different way of expressing love ( language) from you. Im lucky in that hubby and I are both touch people, but I've been with people who are different and really one has to adapt (as well as explain how you need affection expressed) so that both parties are happy. Doesn't mean there's sounds like she had a different love language from you. Im lucky in that hubby and I are both touch people, but I've been with people who are different and really one has to adapt (as well as explain how you need affection expressed) so that both parties are happy. I had a guy who would refuse to touch me

I'd try something easier - a bottle of fruity beer or cider! :D Wine is awesome, but it took about two years of acquiring a taste for it for me. I didn't drink in high school because I was a holier-than-thou asshole without actually being religious (drinking was "irresponsible!")

What really makes the difference is the AED. CPR without an AED is like trying to get someone to inhale then telling them 'oh yeah, you can only use your tongue to lap up the air'. It just isnt going to work.

Ahahhaha yes! That's how I got my horrible boss fired!

Though I really follow Zoe's take on things.... I prefer dresses with a bit of slink to them :P

I have this odd feeling that the Queen has tolerated all her boring society obligations for so long because he's been standing next to her, murmuring an outrageously sarcastic running commentary into her ear soto voice for the past half century, while she stands there heroically maintaining the world's best poker

Oh, it IS adorable when they do stuff like this. However, my friend was a little horrified to learn that this particular budgie had a tennis ball fetish :P But then, I also get one of my male budgies (out of my all-male flock), pinning the other males and furiously humping them, much to pinned bird's very loud and

Well, the thing is, often when cyclists use the sidewalks, they're avoiding the pedestrians. Which often puts them off balance and trying to squeeze through unpredictable, narrow spaces, as opposed to on the road, where traffic is (supposed to be) following a regular movement pattern. We've had a few cyclists pushed

I would check out Erika Moen's "oh joy sex toy" comic. In the archive, there's several illustrated reviews of vibes and toys :p I have ended up buying a few toys for me and hubby (including tenga sleeves for my man and a we3 vibe for me. So fun lololol