
I am guessing a big part is people buying these things independent of owning a Wii-U. I have been on the fence about getting one and even now haven’t ruled it out. (full disclosure, I own every major console since the SNES)

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Oh, like if I hadn’t someone else wouldn’t have. : )

Agent Casper.... hah... iunderstoodthatreference.gif as well.

Much like when I watched the pilot episode of NCIS and saw Agent Gibbs, I was like “Didn’t he get shot and killed trying to stop a botched convenience store robbery in NYC?” : )

I am with you. No head popping up on that gearstick thing, no sale!

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Along with the picking the name of the fighter, can you also give him a back story? Like brother killed. Being chased by the French Foreign Leigon because the fighter left to seek vengeance against his brother’s killers. Along the way trying help his widowed sister-in-law and her daughter, only to be betrayed by the

Very interesting point. If you happen to find that there was actually a study done, share please. I am going to look around after finishing going through the rest of these article responses (Too fun to stop now), if I find anything, I will do the same. : )

I would be on board with that. I pretty much do that already with both games and movies when people ask for my opinion.

Nice article, well done. Didn’t go the lowbrow route, which would have been very easy to do, if not tempting.

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Pshhhh.... products are for people who don’t have presentations.

Was super excited to go over to SWG Reborn because of the article talking about reliving the things you loved about a game that no longer exists.

Well, it also says my i7-3770k isn’t good enough, despite that it’s a more powerful CPU than the i5 they spec.

It wasn’t the unknown price that stopped me (as others have said they can’t hold you to something like that if it turns out the price is way out there) but the unknown release date. WTH?

That’s what it looks like to me (2x2) but for me, I have an easier time with 3x3s and higher. For some odd reason I can’t get the 2x2s done as quickly.

I have no problem recommending Blue Dragon. Oh not to play, are you kidding me?! But you can always find a use for anything.

Thank you. I am not quite done with season 8 so... reason it didn’t ping. I appreciate it. : )

Pardon me, but what is this pic from? I can usually spot grabs pretty easily, as I watch a ton of genre stuff, but this one escapes me.

Starred because of your well stated difference between Annoying and Offensive. : )

Okay, I get how the mouth/chin accessories would work, the seams are where the flesh ends and the cowl begins. No issues there. But how do have swappable eyes without there being a noticable seam, like the Batman is wearing a cowl and an eye-mask of some sort.

I honestly don’t know why this wasn’t the first post. : )

Agreed! SyFy Movie De Jour + Dean Kain as a Scientist = Lots and lots of people die for ... reasons. : )