
I am still playing catch up with all the changes. Been out of comics for a while but who is this? (Just ordered the trades for the Spiderverse but it’s going to be a couple of days before it comes in)

Just because you mentioned Megaforce I had to star.

“Deeds not Words”

Sorry for the fact that one thing killed the enjoyment of the movie for you but you might want to check this out;

“When it’s finally available in early 2016”

Heh, I was thinking the same thing. As long as it had a magnet strong enough to put on my Dart (to be able to take it off for car washes and just when the normal embarrassment of my nerdiness kicks in) I am in. Sign me up. : )

Over here t would be the BTTF (for me) and Unikitty (for the wife : ). We both could care less about the videogame attached.

Wow, listening to that just made me have a Battle Arena Toshinden flashback. I haven’t thought about that game in years!

Well, for me it was Army then DoD civilian (both overseas) but my wife liked playing every so often so we kept the account going even though I wasn't actively playing as much during my deployments

Darth, didn't know a thing about this until the UPS guy showed up last night. Thought I might have ordered something from Amazon and forgot all about it (yeah, hate to say it but that happens more often than I like to admit).

Well this is just confusing on a couple of different levels.

I honestly couldn't agree with this more if I tried. 6 months is plenty of time to generate interest in a product without the "Just release it already!" blowback you get from a larger announce window.

Very nice, thanks for bringing this up. Seriously looking forward to more.

Awwww what a beautiful baby.. um.. bo... mobius strip?

I guess I am the only one suffering from Sims-myopia. Or even a version Sims-amnesia.

Am I the only one surprised that it's out? I mean sure I have seen the banner ads everywhere and the occasional Kotaku article... but I was thinking Nov?

System of Starcraft. Even though it has the dreadful acronym of SoS.... it sticks with the whole WoW vibe.

Then you could have Dimensions of Diablo... or Disciples of Diablo... or whatever you want as long as it's DoD.

You are also going to need a Sino-Logic 16, Sogo-7 data gloves, GPL stealth module, Burdine intelligent translator, and some Thompson eye-phones.... oh wait... scratch the eye-phones.

If you love the series then you will overlook the frame drops. It's part and parcel of the whole package.

Honestly the only time it bugged me (no pun intended) was when I looked up to track and airborne enemy and the frame rate jumped UP dramatically due to the engine not having to render anything else. Going from

Despite all attempts to not laugh at this, I absolutely couldn't help myself. You made me snort laugh.

Damn you.

I mean... why not?