Solar Ash looked cool, but as soon as the “Are you scared? You SHOULD be”... I just had to roll my eyes... That line needs to be retired from the bad-guy cliche book.
Solar Ash looked cool, but as soon as the “Are you scared? You SHOULD be”... I just had to roll my eyes... That line needs to be retired from the bad-guy cliche book.
I mean, it looks cool and fun, but here’s the rub...
Are they washing their hands or trying to steal second?
That just sounds like obesity with fewer steps.
“Ok, this is my going rate” “Well we just kinda thought you’d do it for free. You know, for the exposure”
Ryu (BoF 1) was a young boy from the light dragon clan whose family was turned to stone by worshipers of the dark dragon goddess Myria...he teams up with the winged girl Nina and some other animal-people
For $33, you too can destroy your phone with over 3000+ hours of game play.
Every word comes with baggage for someone. Might as well stop talking to each other.
You can blow us up now, Iran. It’s cool.
If you’re implying that this article is an answer to my questions, I disagree. The article is written with the assumption that the reader already knows and agrees that it is a problem we should be upset about. It does not really make that argument, it assumes that argument has already been made and won.
Not surprising... Mtn. Dew LiveWire is in my opinion the best orange soda ever. So they can at least do that right. God I wish canned LiveWire was available in this region... We can only get 20oz bottles, so I only have one once every so often.
I am so worried about TES6
I just sit and die a little.
*patiently awaits word on further Backwards Compatibility*
I don’t even see the code. All I see is blonde, brunette, redhead.
This is the FF7 Remake I want to play.
All alien tech are at Alpha sites off world accessible via the Stargate network or starship.