Americans in big cities (but particularly Americans in those big, grey northeastern cities where we'll imprison the…
documenting a crime = good.
He murdered that canvas too.
Holy God in Heaven,, festering, seizure-inducing, teeth-ripping, eyeball-bursting rage, how I fucking hate MRAs.
Seriously, MRAs: fuck you. You're a waste of oxygen and space. There are legitimate issues that gender roles create for men: our culture overlooks sexual assault and domestic violence that happens to men and encourages them not to report, it acts like women are the real parents and dads are incidental (e. g., there…
It's pretty telling that the only way they can get all those false rape accusations they whine about is to manufacture them themselves.
Elan, if you're gonna shame a jerk, make sure it's a real jerk.
Your mom is fail.
To those bitching about this post,
I wanted to like the on-its-way-to-viral "Girls Are Assholes" web series. I really did. Not because I'm the sort of…
I think you meant to say that social programs are always loved by those with a heart, and always loathed by those who put a wallet where their heart was supposed to be.
I pay plenty and go to the doctor almost never. Cool story, though. Some of us just have consciences.
Cheerleader Mikayla Clark made it into the Guinness Book of World Records after doing 44 consecutive back…
Oh they accomplished something alright. Hillary 2016!
14-year-old cheerleader Daisy Coleman's unnamed 13-year-old friend came forward to speak about the night in…