
It's illegal to be gay in 79 counties. Of those 79, 40 are majority Christian, 2 are majority Buddhist , 1 is majority Hindu, 36 are majority Muslim. The worst of these is Uganda, which has the death penalty for being gay, and is 86.70% Christian. So...who's light years ahead of who, dear?

You don't know what motivates atheists really, do you, so please don't pretend to. If you understood the middle east, you'd know that there are other factors hiding behind the flag of religion- tribal connections, politics, land grabs, money, power, etc. Maybe instead of trolling me you should do some reading...

So, people who don't believe in good committing mass murder has nothing to do with atheism? LOL, that's some double standard ya got there. Just because they aren't waving an atheist flag doesn't change the fact that they're violent atheists. But while we're on the subject, if you had any understanding of the Middle


Eritrea. Ethiopia. There's two.

Have you heard of Tiananmen Square? There are a few thousand other examples, read some history, especially of mainland China and the Soviet Union.

LOL, I have been a woamn in Morocco, ever been there?

LOL, things go way over you're head don't they? I'm comparing your thinking to NAZI thinking, not to Jewish thinking, and in case you forgot, they killed about 6 million people. But there are Jewish & Christian terrorists too, terrorism is only exclusive to one religion in the minds of bigots.

The ideas you're expressing are more reminiscent of National Socialism, this is exactly the way Nazis demonized Jews, you are no better than they were.

Thanks for letting us know the bigot POV like we didn't already.

Since when is supporting hate speech progressive?

"If you disagree, name one country where people can live freely under Islam."

I'm having a real problem with supposedly progressive friends who not only think Maher is awesome but have embraced his fundamentalist atheist (Muslim hater) friend Sam Harris too. I never liked Maher but now that he's jumped on the Islamophobia bandwagon I absolutely detest him.

IN NYC we call a 6pm meal "lunch".

They should show this video to their community board, the precinct Community Relations Officer, and the NY State Liquor Authority if they want changes. If no one complains nothing gets done about it.

She's a terrorist.

IMHO 1in 28 compared to 1 in 4 makes it fairly uncommon by comparison. I also wonder why it's relevant to bring that up here since the photos are related to a gang rape of a woman by men, no male rape victims are being portrayed in the photos.

And there it is....

MRAs claiming men get raped as much as women or nearly as much in 3...2...1...

Thanks! I wasn't really worried but The Boyfriend is convinced that my plane will be shot down, then I'll be kidnapped and placed in a harem, and then of course, I'll get Ebola. Will show him your reply.