
I'm flying to Morocco August 28 and will be there for a month. How worried should I be about Ebola spreading to Morocco?

Thank god My Real Name is here to provide the MRA pov, we just don't get enough of that.

Is there a way to block trolls on Jezebel? I really don't need to see My real Names (yeah, right) trollish comments.

Didn't happen to catch that men can get comped sight unseen but not women, did you?

"The policy appears to mandate that men who want to reserve tables can do it sight unseen, but that tables of women must include group photos." He's a douche.



Jenny McCarthy is a nightmare too horrible to even imagine. This poor kid, I hope they get the guys who did this to her and fast before there are even more victims. Also I would like to personally slap all these "jadapose" assholes.

I used to call my younger sister The Bad Seed. She's still evil.

She does smoke a whole lot of weed.

I had problems with rapid heartbeat and lightheadedness for years and doctors kept telling me it was anxiety, it was all just in my pretty little head, cause you know, HYSTERICAL. They would give me stuff like Klonopin, which would just put me to sleep and not get my heart to slow down one bit. Turned out all that

His mother started a gofundme, she paints a very different picture of him, worth a look.

"Feminists should take the lead and encourage women who fit the current dominant socially constructed standards of "beautiful"/"attractive" to feel attracted to and have sex with men usually considered ugly/unattractive, *even if they have no money*."
She is asking to be accpted, she isn't asking you to to have sex

You're not a dissenting voice, you're a troll.

I also live in NYC and trust me, working class conservatives take it as gospel.

If only that were true. Conservatives take it very seriously.

This makes me feel like I still want to live in this world, if only to see dimples like that......

True. This is Williamsburg, they're probably being ironic.

Best cat in the UNIVERSE.

Some of our trucks play Send In The Clowns. :-/