
Am I drunk? I’m almost getting young Morrisey vibes from this pic. Am I sexually attracted to Harry Styles? Fuck.

I do not understand the appeal of Chris Pratt.

I can deal with this, though Evans makes a decent showing as well.

Memory: The first year Tina Fey and Amy Poehler did the Golden Globes, they were doing “this or that” and the subject of “Which Chris?” was raised. Tina Fey, because she has excellent taste, screamed, “CHRIS PINE!!” and then looked slightly embarrassed.

I have relatives who are high school teachers, and have had this debate with them. They’ll say things about how high school girls are all dressing “slutty these days” (ugh), their cleavage is too much, etc etc, they just want attention. And I’m like listen, WHY do you care? Why do kids have to dress professionally?

My favourite is “Carton.”

Asahd is the best.

It is the way of our people.

it’s almost like victorian times sucked and people should stop romanticizing it

One of my best friends left her husband with her small child when he beat the shit out of her. She called 911 while speeding away in her car with her child in the backseat. A few hours later I was with her, and it took me 7 hours to convince her to call the police back with the details so that they would criminally

Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

C’est un homme who doesn’t have le temps for your merde, Donald.

Which is interesting given that my interpretation of the film was that it was a realistic portrayal of the alternative/Daria types and show how they aren’t nearly as smart, special, or good as they think they are. The protagonist of Ghost World is a shitty person, which is quite daring given that I can’t think of any

Which is a damn shame because the world of car crash fetishism is a subject that sorely missing from our popular cult-

Oh, you mean the other Crash.

Came here just to post this lovely photo of Thora Birch:

It’s funny, I never thought about the racial dynamics of Ghost World. Honestly I was just like Enid, I was a very sarcastic bitter teenager (but with brown skin and black hair and hijab). My friends and I would mock other students and we’d cuss out other people. (thankfully I grew the fuck up and I’m not like that

Hey, not every movie can be Crash.

God is smiting the Drumpfs since Eric’s mom obviously did Gary Busey

God used to do the best plagues. Locusts, blood, slaying of the first born. Just a hole now? No stamina! SAD!