
Like many other tasty things, cabbage gets a “is it worth it?” from my FODMAP sensitive digestive tract... Answer: sometimes it is.

Hers is a much better take on the modern celeb doc compared to Hilton’s. And let’s be real, of course there are some career benefits to be had from disclosing her story. If she can plug her new album and set up the rest of her career, why wouldn’t she. She will emerge positively from this.

I loved her work and character in Transparent, amidst an otherwise annoying cast (IMO).

Dammit you may be right.
My grandpa looked good though!

I may have a thing for cute guys in creepy mustaches. The issue is it that it’s a thin line between hip irony and “actual creeper” territory. And most men don’t have the balls to wear them!

Thanks for the advice, I really need to find these well-read 25 yr olds haha

You lucky ducks! I wish I could go back and watch it for the first time!

um - teach me your ways?
that’s a lot of relationship experience for 37!
I’m soon 31 and still waiting on any sort of torrid affair. They say it’s never too late.

I know you’ve touched on this more below, but my two cents is that even if a guy does really care about you, there could be other complications and hangups (whether sexual or not), it’s not that simple.

Yeah agreed - plus hearing what people want can be super sexy talk. I’m just too shy to do it easily but it’s def a turn on for many people. Let’s make it a thing! 

TBH it would be easy to slip on this in the morning, running low on coffee and/or hungover. haha But yeah I get the Joan’s dirtbags are not everyone’s bag around here.

Southern California skater dirtbag vibe is my kryptonite. I am also a single thirty year-old, sooo... there’s that. Get it, Kourtney!

I started around the same time and luckily no one tried that stuff with me. However one of my friends came across a guy a few years ago who randomly started choking her in the middle of their encounter. She was surprised but then got into it, I guess? Honestly though, not the best way to introduce that type of stuff. 

I think you mean,it certainly can’t hurt”?

Y’all are acting like Drag Race still operates according to any internal logic? That train left more than a few seasons ago. We all know how it unfolds now, by following purely prefabricated drama and storylines, plus whatever momentary tantrum sparks out of Ru’s addled brain.

Yesss thank you - we don’t talk enough about New Wave, I feel like it’s untrendy these days even though the 80s-90s are fully back??
I had no idea this was a thing in the Asian-American community! I’m just a boring white millennial but I “discovered” new wave in high school, so mid 2000s, and it’s never let me go. It

I really dislike most coworker romances because they push their icky sweet couple ambiance in the office environment - whether they want to or not. And they think it’s a secret when really, everybody knows. Also the gossip can get hand out of hand fast. There’s a reason you don’t shit where you eat.

This is super cute and reminds me of why I may want another relationship. Happy sailing, you two! 

totally, that scene is a stand-out!! fucking amazing set-up and the tension control is top notch 

People forget how many directions you can take a revenge rape movie, it’s not just one genre. Last one I remember seeing was “Revenge” (2017), which thoroughly objectifies the heroine while at the same time letting the guys have it. Your average gorgeous bimbo transforms into this hardcore survivor hero, implying that