
Good god. If I were to reject jobs based on "integrity" I wouldn't be able to work at basically EVERY big company.

Christians did not invent marriage.

She was invited to the baby shower after all the Kim trashing on Fashion Police?


Considering all of Razer's OTHER products are so low quality and often have problems - I certainly don't trust a laptop coming from them.

Jenny Craig is in no position to act all high-and-mighty over their celebrity endorsements.


Seriously. Either the Xbox division is so big and communication is so messed up that the left hand is thinking something different than the right hand, or this is all a coordinated effort to push the limits and see how much people push back before MS decides on their official stance.

Um, since when do consumers actually care if information about them is collected by some big corporation?

Some people are actually upset that Mario's more recent design seems to be taller and thinner. My response to this is the same to those creating an issue over girl-from-Brave's new princess design: the young people who's self image issues this will supposedly affect, won't notice the difference.

Very sad that many people's definition of "Sports" doesn't include doing actual sports.

Oh, Amanda. What could've been.

I see Peter has still been "unable" to contact the person.

"There are many devices in your life that require the Internet to function"

You could easily solve this.

Um, the top companies' men's underwear ads have not used steroid-y models for YEARS. This is not new.

I think a good part of the problem with these Jezebel fatphobia yelling matches is that there are serious age blinders on. Y'all are very, very worried about shame and sexiness and discrimination in contexts related to youth, but frankly most fat young people don't have major health problems.

Chronic obesity does

Okay, so part of me thinks that this is wonderful and a great step, etc. But another, larger part of me is perturbed by the message that keeping the ban on adult leaders sends. "Sure, you can be an openly gay scout as a kid, but you're shit out of luck when you become an adult, because gay men are creepy pedophiles

...Um, people always share photos on Twitter.

Yes. Because men are SO outraged when women get objectified NON-STOP.