This woman has caused the deaths of millions of children
This woman has caused the deaths of millions of children
Time's like this I hate being a man...
I hate this woman for the children who have suffered needlessly because their stupid fucking parents bought into the "VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM M'KAY!" shit she spouted..
Yet, regardless of how much my main brain hates her, my secondary brain is screaming from inside my pants "I WANT…
I'm surprised the BBC News source article title is more Kotaku-like than this one!
That's an opinion my friend.
This is also a man problem.
He needs Angelina's surgeon to give him a little touch-up lift for his eyebags.
That show has a curious lack of gay people. Not even a token one.
I can't stand people who complain about spoilers on the internet.
Can be said about every Pokemon game ever.
Considering Tyler Perry's two new shows on OWN are like their highest ratings ever - she'll probably give him 10 more shows.
The reaction on gaming sites will be hilarious when the Xbox One inevitably sells like hotcakes.
Get out. NOW.
Didn't he say what a "huge penis" he had like two weeks ago?
Is this article the equivalent of what young people call "concern trolling"?
None of this matters, because magazines will cease to exist as we know them soon.
Fifth Harmony are going to snatch the wigs off Little Mix!
Embarrassing when people who can't even use Paint start trying to talk about Photoshop.
Hmm. Not much different to me than the carbon-copy contestants on the Bachelor. Granted the Bach-ettes probably haven't had as much plastic surgery, both cases show how beauty norms are converging towards a certain (creepy) standard ideal. I think this issue is getting airplay because it's Korea, even though the same…