
"There is nothing so exhilarating as to be shot at without effect." - Winston Churchill

Speaking of Nutella, how is this not next to every grocery store checkout in America?

Perhaps it's 250GB/platter and w/ the extra memory and whatnot they didn't have room for more than 3 platters in the 2.5in form factor?

"in a few months, we could be seeing men voluntarily subjecting themselves to a good tasing on sports bar TVs across the globe." You mean besides streakers?

Now playing

With just a small change, this would be the perfect theme song for the Thorium reactor industry!

No no no, didn't you read the article? It uses a litterbox, you just have to poop on the carpet to recharge it! SCIENCE!!

Me too! I'd gladly switch carriers today if I could get either on contract. SOMEBODY TAKE MY MONEY!!

The Internet knows they are guilty, therefore they should be shot without trial and anyone who thinks there should be some due process involved should be harassed until they lose their jobs! Forget this "jury of peers" bullshit too, from now on all verdicts will be decided by polls on 4chan with arguments presented in

Dammit... now whenever the Lumia 800 comes to the US I'll have to debate whether to grab that or wait for it's WP8 equivalent to come out.

In defense of oven-baked wings: this recipe (while requiring a bit of lead time) makes wings that are as crispy and delicious as any you will find at [your favorite wing joint]. []

a) Ferris never claims to be an expert, he specifically states in his book that he is sharing what worked for him (backed up by a lot of personal research), b) what makes you say he's a con artist? As far as I know he doesn't sell much other than books and I doubt that is that much of a money-making venture.

Yes, but you're also assuming that the hacker knows that there are exactly 4 words in the password, so yes, a dictionary attack could work, but the hacker would first have to try: All Words in Dictionary, then AWID^2, then AWID^3, THEN AWID^4. Not to mention that throwing in random punctuation or capitalization like:

The scorpion story reminded me of the following:

Eh, the announcer needs to take some lessons from Buck. I have no idea what just transpired, a simple "Messi passes to Pedro. Goal. Barcelona is now up 1-0" would have really helped me enjoy the skill involved.

I completely agree with you (although, I'd argue that it's not *entirely* the companies' faults, see: Humble Indie Bundle, 1c purchasers), but I think the internet could also help itself out by working with companies to create a better balance.

... because people won't stop stealing s#!t.

That is factually correct.

Serious questions: Is there any way a Jets trade for Manning is actually feasible? I can't think of any scenario that doesn't either gut their team now (Revis and Holmes?) or in the future (1st round picks aplenty).

That's the only reason he yelled at Brades and lived to tell the tale, his chin dimple earned the Golden Boy's respect.

It depends on the nickname, my mom's name is Margaret, but I think I'd be able to have my way w/ Maggie Lawson w/ no qualms as long as "Maggie" was an appropriate response to "Say my name!"