"'Where the white women at?" I'm pretty sure they're being held hostage in that house over yonder, you should probably go rescue them.'
"'Where the white women at?" I'm pretty sure they're being held hostage in that house over yonder, you should probably go rescue them.'
Regarding the Cutler commercial:
Except I don't think there is any combustion going on here, so it's just Nitrogen...
Couldn't agree more, GO SEE THIS MOVIE.
Gone Baby Gone was great, and The Town was quite enjoyable as well. Affleck may have made some questionable role choices in the past, but behind the camera he's currently batting 1.000
I was lucky enough to catch a screening of this and loved it, it's hilarious, violent and best of all, the characters are immensely empathetic. From Farrell's writer (he's just trying to write his screenplay) to even Harrelson's mobster (he loves his dog!), you actually care about the characters a midst all the snappy…
Or Moon.
"The Big Bang Theory... is lies straight from the pit of Hell."
Some people really need to learn how to edit their videos, that first half, watching the guy scoop white powder into a terrarium was F**KING THRILLING!!!
On websites I make with a contact form, I usually just have a simple random math problem: "[1-9] [+/-/x] [1-9] = ?". It obviously wouldn't stop a determined spammer, but it's good enough on small websites to stop drive-bys.
Just a coincidence that Sept. 5th is also the date Nokia is supposedly announcing their Win Phone 8 devices?
cum (kʌm)
I am a well known AeroPress evangelist, and I heartily support this method of making iced coffee, so tasty!
I find most NCAA penalties to be idiotic: reducing scholarships may hurt the program, but it has a much bigger impact on current and future athletes; and vacating past victories (especially in cases like this where players' eligibility isn't in question) is just laughable... they still won those games, a game was…
Holding onto the strap/bar on the bus/subway?
And actually, cooking a good steak rare is almost as bad as well-done. The fat in beef doesn't melt until ~125° F (which is medium rare), so your well-marbled steak cooked rare will not have nearly the same buttery texture/flavor as the same steak cooked to MR.
Did the same thing..
I didn't say either was in any way good, but the main difference between the two is intent. The express purpose of terrorist bombings is to kill innocent people, whereas with drone bombings it is a (certainly incredibly unfortunate) side effect. Of course, it's a debatable point whether or not that side effect is…
Yes, I'm comfortable saying that blowing up innocent people at random using bombs stuffed inside of animals or people is definitely worse.
A) Fuck you terrorists.